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By Dr. Greg Shepard
Published: Summer 2001

It is human nature for most young people to think that their future is quite distant. Ninth graders feel they have all the time in the world. It becomes quite sobering to put time frames in terms of days. What if you only had a thousand days left? Would you be more productive with your days? Would you want to make everyday count?

Let’s look at what a thousand days really is in terms of years with a high school or college career. There are 365 days in a year and 730 days in two years. Therefore, a thousand days is a little over two years and nine months. It is now May in the year 2001. A ninth grader who played football last fall is now only about 120 days from being a sophomore football player. In less than a thousand days, his high school football experience will be over.

What will happen with all sophomore high school athletes in a thousand days? They will be graduated from high school and either in college or working. Some will be married and some will even be starting their own families. Those that go on to play college sports will be finished with a fall season sport. A blue chip football player may have even played in a bowl game. Amazing, isn’t it?

How about high school juniors? In a thousand days, they will have been out of high school longer than in high school from May of 2001. They will be turning twenty years old. Some will be almost half-way through college. Some might even come around and proudly show off their new son or daughter.

College athletes are much the same way. A college freshman in May of 2001 will be finishing up his athletic career or have one year left if he/she red-shirted. College sophomores will have graduated or be close to graduation. A college senior, in a thousand days, may be making more money than his whole high school coaching staff put together.

Every day is precious. It is precious in terms of accomplishment and personal development. Missing a workout is not an option for an “eleven” athlete. Everyday is also precious in terms of relationships with friends and family. Savor the moment. Make every day count. Play the song you came on earth to play. Let us not die with our music still in us.


Dr. Greg Shepard BFS President
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