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The BFS story on them was most impressive, and that match-up looks to be a great one! Thanks Bigger Faster Stronger for all you do.fts, he would fail miserably because of lack of leg and hip strength and explosive power. Maximizing a baseball player's potential does not mean doing leg extensions, leg curls and machine hip and leg exercises for the lower body. Baseball players must Parallel Squat and Power Clean to develop their maximum power. If baseball players were to really get after these two lifts and do them correctly, you'd have to do one of two things. Either move the fences back another 50 feet or get used to football-like scores.<br>Baseball players should also do quick foot drills, stretch for speed and jumping power, sprint train and plyometric train. We also do not want to overtrain in the weight room. The maximum time in the weight room should be 45 to 75 minutes three times per week in the off-season and two 30-45 minute workouts twice per week during the season.<br>GET STARTED NOW!<br><br>The best time to start is now. Junior High is a perfect time to start. Get on the BFS Readiness Program. We have the Total Program Book, Readiness Workout Cards, a Readiness Video and even special Readiness equipment. Just give us a call. The high school and college athlete is at the age to really get after it and make success happen. Get the Total Program Book, the Set-Rep Log Book and the Total Program Video. The pro-level is the toughest time to start because there are so many games. Athletes over 28 who play over 100 games a year have a difficult time maintaining a workout schedule and being able to recover. The time to start is now. The younger the better.<br>FINAL NOTE <br><br>What was the best thing about Mark McGwire's history making 70-home run season? To me, it was his relationship with his son. The towering 500-foot blasts were great but I was more impressed when he hugged his son so often after circling the bases.<br>In our next issue (Spring 1999), we will feature LSU's remarkable baseball program. They are the two-time defending NCAA National Champions. This will be an in-depth feature article with great interviews from players and coaches. They do what they are supposed to do and the results speak for themselves. Look forward to it!<br><br>________________________________________<br><br>Coach Shepard s 1996 Prediction:<br><br> In the baseball future even smaller players who play shortstop will be hitting home runs. <br><br>Alex broke the shortstop home run record in 1998 with 42 round trippers.<br>_______________________________________<br><br>Baseball players must Parallel Squat and Power Clean to develop their maximum power. If baseball players were to really get after these two lifts and do them correctly, you d have to do one of two things. Either move the fences back another 50 feet or get used to football-like scores. and causing the sleeves to fall off. This can be very dangerous when doing any lift, but it is especially dangerous when doing heavy deadlifts and heavy squats. <br>Price: Bars with a yield strength of 135,000 to 165,000 PSI are $130 to $150. For your super-heavy lifters, look at spending around $300-the price goes up substantially asa_Wp;}+8o[Z+ԉZh[܎kŸ TIis sAD܆ B =Ǡjg ,#ץ. zS|֐JOθ썇l?jp7N7zAh_ԁtH;zbl61ڇa]X^&aSƼ ژnG#i59>dL̬sdW,C?t=ڸzY^ 0OMo_XuïOi^#w^4XzQ7)F󞂹Fn^R抝٨A@j9R#sryhܠIcTltj} {l 'o{|ɿ: ǔt|ç2I⼛g%zIÏM~V7Y $Ax=@_ јT@ ٞ2@%[Z2is*Cj-{r.󗘬4XvIHĽ@': ^{ؤ7e`w,7zsHŌ#n *^٦>mTlyG1܄jrujSiks w8s.5.bc7oY'e.`Czf' 鷹ɒQij%PaCጚ]F5XaehR{O0ӸjInJojoV&E4wޟqW$ @ɽdp]?#MG˝JSizyI+8%I9Uzne}|X{y] 3G2T v؃ # ~IH12kKT9MM _=:x4]>$8faS9d[F2gb S} ~bC2VHCMJ|%?1QDwzs4)Ѻ]ݤ'%ov;`RKm>hl\F͸4%NC}@1N? 5OIᣑcjFC1H2<Є7˒"/%F \"9A1Ji jͫlږwR$=Gy@zb5տ6Lr+?ULS i?m"򮢳sc@:t# ZFz\_hم Aڕmon-'֙ED)+^~m=tV .DrZK2_K񴢌 dK^L3> S\;Ռ1۵L5hR4;)=e z828& 4"5I?7t:x៙X5Y&? 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