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He should have taken the recommended four potassium tablets per day (99 mg). The potassium supplement is needed because of excess water loss which occurs in the first two weeks. One athlete s mother called in to say that her son was not eating any fruits and vegetables. He was losing weight and he wanted to gain weight. My advice to all athletes is to eat fruits, vegetables and salads. Stay away from the five lethal food. If you want to gain weight, eat a lot of good protein and carbohydrate foods.<br><br><br>_______________________________________<br><br>THE FIVE LETHAL FOODS<br>______________________<br><br>1. Soda<br>2. French Fries<br>3. Potato Chips<br>4. Donuts and Pastries<br>5. Candy<br><br><br> very best out and have that athlete know that I m with him through and through. <br>I make this pledge to you: I will do my very best to implement this program in Ticonderoga and carry it through all sports, athletes and coaches as long as I am here.<br><br>Rob Simpson<br>Riverdale Baptist <br>Weightlifting<br><br>I held a two-day BFS clinic in August. The days leading up to the clinic were of great suspense as I was waiting to see just how great BFS was. I was not disappointed.<br>Rick Bojak was the clinician and I am telling you the truth that he is one of the greatest men I have ever met. He did a great job motivating the kids as well as giving in-depth instruction. As the person who got to pick Rick up and take him around, I also received the additional time and incredible benefit of his knowledge. In three days I learned more from Rick than I ever thought possible. <br>I will never be known as the most educated person in the world. But one thing that I will be known for is my love of weight training and my love of helping kids get opportunities that I never received. I thank you for sending Rick to us, for he has had an everlasting impression on my life and my ability to live up to my goals. Thank you, and God bless you.s difficult because many recruits would say, "I just came by as a courtesy." The physical conditioning was going to have to play a big part. Athletic facilities on campus were improved including a 5,000 square foot weight room, a 125 seat auditorium for team gatherings and film viewing, two spacious meeting areas and new offices for all the football coaches.</P> <P>Coach Barnett made an important decision, "We're just going to 'grow a team'". Meaning no quick fixes but a development program to eventually play fourth and fifth year players instead of freshmen.</P> <P>The results were players like fifth year senior center, Rob Johnson, who gained 61 pounds in five years. The Northwestern offensive line in 1992 averaged 264 pounds while last season they averaged 287 pounds. Rob reflected, "I'd spend 20 to 25 hours a week in the weight room and eat until I was sick."</P> <P>It is interesting to note that Northwestern has not been able to recruit any Parade High School All-Americans. Michigan got 10, Penn State 7 and Michigan State signed 6 players. Their #1 strength and conditioning goal is to prevent injuries while Northwestern had to grow and develop their players to compete.</P