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Coaching is an art. You need to be aware of cycles or in other words be perceptive in recognizing fatigue.&nbsp;</P> <P>Standard periodization has terms which confuse many coaches. This may help. A Macrocycle is your overall plan which could be as long as a year. Mesocycles are smaller cycles within the Macrocycle. Microcycles are tiny cycles within Mesoscycles. BFS incorporates these different cycles but we have chosen not to label them to avoid confusion.&nbsp;</P> <P>Standard periodization typically uses a year long Macrocycle which includes maintaining in-season and culminating in a single peak performance. BFS has used, for over 15 years, a yearly cycle divided into in-season and off-season periods which are further divided into 4-week cycles. Within these 4-week cycles are four different weeks which one could call Mesocycles. Dr. Stone has stated, "Periodization models depend on the training level of an athlete. The less trained athlete's periodization model can be less complex." This is what we have done with the BFS program for both junior high and high school athlete.&nbsp;</P> <P>I have always had two problems with a standard periodization model espoused by Dr. Stone for team sports. First, the maintaining in-season cycle is absolutely foolish in high school sports. What about the three-sport athlete? Are you going to maintain him/her all year long? I also submit that you should not maintain college football players in-season who are red-shirting or those who are not on the top two teams offensively or defensively. Why should a guy sitting on the bench maintain? Why not maximize his potential and build for the future? This is also our concept with the Utah Jazz.&nbsp;</P> <P>The Russian/East European periodization model was usually meant for individual athletes peaking for a specific event like the European or World Championships. When do you peak in football? Is it game #5 or #10? If you lose #5, you might not have any post-season games. In football every game is important. Dr. Stone, too, has wrestled with this problem. Our BFS attainable goal is to continually get stronger throughout the season. We are always stronger as a team at the end of the season than at the beginning. I feel this has its advantages come play-off time.&nbsp;</P> <P>As Dr. Stone finished his first hour of his periodization discussion, he made a statement which shocked me. The discussion centered around seasonal sports like football. Dr. Stone stated, "So a typical periodization program may not work." The Standard periodization model must have adjustments made if it is to help athletes in team sports reach their potential. I have thought about these adjustments and implemented them with tens of thousands of athletes over the last 15 years. It is now fool-proof. I'm not saying it is the only way to adjust a Standard periodization model for team school sports. However, I do want you, the reader, to know I have not seen anything come close to the BFS system for multi-sport athletes in a high school environment over a one year or career span of time.&nbsp;</P> <P>I believe standard periodization models can be great for mature college athletes engaged in an individual sport such as track. With a few adjustments, it should also be great for athletes