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The fullback is critical to the success of the triple option offense, so other players had to step up. Some of you readers may recall our BFS Power Axiom #3 for Success. It is to stay focused. There are no problems, only challenges. Problems are what you see if you take your eyes off the goal. The Falcons' eyes stayed clearly focused on their goals.<br>Their resolve was to be severely tested in game two against New Mexico. Mr. Intensity Leotis Palmer stepped up. He ran for a career high of 125 yards and a touchdown as the Air Force won in overtime. DeBerry said,  I told them all, if you can't get off the field when the game's over, don't worry, we'll have carts to get you off the field. But we're going to leave it on the field. <br>Game three was against Cal, which was ranked 23rd at the time. This time Chance again showed his mettle. He rushed for 124 yards and three touchdowns. Jeff Overstreet tipped away a two-point conversion pass with 31 seconds left as Air Force beat the Bears 23-21. <br> The feeling I get in the locker room after a win . . . , said Chance, his voice trailing off with emotion.  I just look in everybody's eyes and know that everybody's spent. To think of all the things we've gone through together, and everybody around us is part of something bigger than ourselves. To know that feeling and to know it's there, it'll almost make you tear up. And it does tear me up. <br>Coach DeBerry said after the game,  Chance believes he can do it and he radiates that confidence to the rest of our team. And I certainly think our team now believes that he can do it, because by goodness, he has proven that he can do it. <br>The University of Utah was next. The favored Utes had just played Michigan down to the wire and were hungry to get back on the winning trail. Utah blitzed to a 26-6 halftime lead. The second half was all Falcons. They scored 24 straight points. Chance threw a 20-yard touchdown pass with 17 seconds left, to pull out a 30-26 victory.  We just believed, said Chance.  We believed in what we were doing. That win vaulted the Air Force to a national ranking of 25th. Who would have thought?<br>Navy was the next to be defeated. This time Chance had 161 yards rushing and four touchdowns as the Air Force crushed the Midshipmen 48-7.  I'm happy with that, said Chance after the game,  but I'm not satisfied. We're trying to be perfect here. We're down there trying to score and we have to settle for a field goal. If I had made the right read and the throw, we would have had a touchdown rather than a field goal. To me, that speaks volumes about the intensity of Chance Harridge.<br>NE!AVsDH$g)jW¼Gܸ.(xāG!!xБh1H wK2O9e3B=[2#3xem&!Hb,~(޸H>Ĝ<>g+UB*}gC_l@]/T Bh.4rF'n0~ϽIU` g^ >X(Y^2DO*aeU4UP/L rF1avd]IȯÈ*4,]+ Uܡ-cčejk Wƴ۾P ǭx/ʕ0e6A255v'j ru!~nw?NE w5 PxqkYOL >[TZs%hPA"LUsfܑSW'eS.%e-8n@nUNJE!b6z1UyPw!c.O hߓ/if֞+9"F Tۨ; m¢Mr۷M\]QT4:fi鎻*rc)1$ ,N0\,nT$M[Q[+IV45vȝWc/%sRnUQY]MARI&FHCom |J> dRzEݱTPyl»91&$=O^4# ѬOif>qaZH+8'.dj}Kð4+ק;W_!I^I#1cbs7Kcx(T';uˮLw={ r*YV kҎJpePMAG!~l4Rqs KאP;hHHԱCQBA=1I=F EORG\nzfcoLbȝö:+@)*M#rU@WJ&{},VEv iɩ;#b9 xbA4Ǔ~-4km"D[5ߧl| >T\^UF4i!ÈԎo ReHm؊}'%(qRX]~xf&bqT$) ~JQW_^Fj`u