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His dad told him that he would have to work harder than everyone because he wasn t blessed like others.  I believe you should take advantage of every opportunity. I love the Latin phrase  Carpe Diem which means  Seize the Day. That s what I want to do everyday now and in the future.<br> After my playing days are over, I want to be involved in football. I want to give back what I ve been given to the kids of the future. <br>I understood after my interview with Brock what the media guide said about him being the most dedicated athlete in America. Brock is a true eleven  a true Upper Limit athlete. We thank him for being such a great example!he Aluma-Lite Bar with the BFS 10-pound Bumper Plates. Photo #8 shows Matt trying to Power Clean from an Athletic Stance. This is wrong. Just look at his knees. This is weak and dangerous. Also, this could be a photo of Matt setting the weight down after a Power Clean which would also be bad. You must pick up a weight <U>or</U> set down a weight from a Jump Stance!&nbsp;</P> <P>Practice picking up the weight from the floor in a controlled motion as pictured in Photo #9. Matt has his chest spread so that his lower back really looks good. His elbows are locked and Coach Kirkman is a happy camper.&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>THE SIXTH STEP:</STRONG> Using the bar again, <U>practice jumping</U> once the bar is just above the knees. Use the same technique as when the dowel was used. Concentrate on jumping just as you would do a vertical jump. If it does not look exactly like a vertical jump, then you have done it wrong. It's that simple! Flat out simple. do not underestimate this point. This is where even Division One athletes get into trouble and where any coach can become an expert by merely looking at the lifter's knees. Simple: do the knees look like a vertical jump?&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #10 shows a common problem especially with girls and junior high boys. Look at the knees. They are actually touching. The solution is to yell "knees" and even slap the inside of one knee. This seems to help the athlete get a kinesthetic feel of the problem.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #11 shows Matt bringing down his chin which is a very common problem with even advanced lifters. The chin should always be up. When the chin comes down, the bar moves forward away from the body and you lose a lot of potential jumping power as you come out of your Power Line.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #12 illustrates an advanced problem which I have seen with a number of Division One athletes. What is it? The feet kick back. Remember simple? Does it look like a perfect vertical jump? No, it does not. Therefore, Matt is not perfect in this photo but now look at Photo #13 and compare. Now Matt is going straight up. He looks like he is doing a vertical jump. Perfect! Also, his head, arms and shoulders look very good.&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>THE SEVENTH STEP: </STRONG>Practicing the <U>rack phase</U> of the Power Clean. Two common problems are shown in photos #14 and #15. In #14, Matt's feet are too wide and his knees are in. Again yell knees and tap the inside of his knee. Most of the time,size="-1">BFS Readiness Program
       (Spring 1993)
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