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This helps prepare the entire body for what is to come. It is essential for injury prevention.<br>When I coached football, I learned the hard way never to say,  OK men, we are going to do some half speed drills. Everyone had their own idea of what half speed meant. Some went 95%, some went 10%. That is dangerous. I use the same mentality when coaching the Box Squat. Have a controlled aggressive attitude. Be intense even on a warm-up. Don t be gentle or go half way.<br><br>MISTAKE #6<br><br>Bill says that he  banged at the bottom. He also said that he was told to  relax at the bottom for one second. Both of these actions are completely wrong. So wrong, in fact, that these actions, in my opinion, were the principal cause of Bill s injury. The spotters and lifter must work together. The back spotter uses an overhand grip. Do not spot with your hands underneath the lifter s armpits because an experienced back spotter can guide the lifter into a perfect groove (see Figure #8 and #9). <br>Figure #10 shows Coach Shepard pulling slightly back on the bar which helps Matt settle back or rock back. However, notice that Matt continues to pay strict attention to the Six Absolutes. At no time should you relax for an instant . . . let alone for one whole second. You must  Be Tall and stay erect. You must  Spread the Chest at all times to keep the lower back locked into place. Figures #11 & #12 shows Matt rocking forward and up to complete the lift. You should even try to rise up on the toes at the very end to complete a full extension. It would be like a calf raise but done in a coordinated, fluid motion like a form tackle or jumping movement. Although, it is important to be in control. You would not want to take a light weight and jump up in the air. <br><br><br>SOME OTHER MISTAKES<br><br>Never round the lower back as shown in Figure #13. Always Be Tall and Spread the Chest as in Figure #14. Never take your feet off the floor or raise your heels off the floor when settling or rocking back as shown in Figure #15. (My son Matt is shown in the illustrations. He started with the BFS Readiness Program at the beginning of his 7th grade year. Matt is now 26 and works at BFS.)<br><br>WHY WE BOX SQUAT<br><br>The benefits of doing the Box Squat are enormous. So enormous they give anyone a distinct advantage over their opponents at every level: Junior High, High School, College and even at the Pro Level. We do two squat workouts as core lifts per week. One core lift, of course, is the Parallel Squat and the other core lift is a Squat Variation. The Squat Variation to start with is the Box Squat. An experienced lifter could use a Front Squat as a core lift Squat Variation. The Box Squat is the preferred lift to do during the season. There are five reasons why we Box Squat:<br><br>REASON ONE: It s Easy. <br><br>The Box Squat is the easiest of all free weight exercises to do and to teach the Six Absolutes or proper lifting technique. Anyone can Box Squat with great form in the first day. Any inexperienced lifter at any level would benefit greatly by learning to Box Squat. Once you learn lifting technique on the Box Squat, you can better uF(j;2ò1tr6Apķ~n36<["B^1TMpU^3{=Ũq;:PvZ,g3J6ِg\AqȻꓦ.񩮍K)8M 8s1Ro}ȭq798۵dJ'P?~'38&Z :HиH_mAͷk%Ub`23dA6ةd:"L14C2;pɂH9sɒ+֤3nY%$9Ubz(Km8/ MNhճcW%ȑZ`:ov\ *r l$`FжVHgڭc՝#nH)!@*|<73a7[4k2}5qTo0x,@Z. ={ȣ.+!v$P)fvɠqO+YpQ*{ 9Y_Ǽ:ڃҭB-6缚k]PXͣg"5ڕqOɹjrGyYb.GnoԘx3$GW~`Is& 8Mڹ@#9UsoޭF>*əDv(uX.QTƖnp/̃)̤ᴇx #qd-db[,"LSW;Ppt͛؅j81R|]Ga9?.}Ϝ>h6qu#bo8Jn(bCTƍ[<я4㎘&* R9&puP8@#MQUSFoM*1lu]K{ hH gaUYjhz#6.8B-u_fپXK6cҖl@CW/͹/X yu櫄Jqse/Uv juV _:m\|j~ETET^r=s|7Jy,kQyzt_8 FLq4/)odVۙ#[ھvUW pqD,2#)ε *[e.$%{ݮlq6Wm 8.&- | [e6ݼfD5TxQ]u ٸ d\ v.ٽI 45'mh%㦈T~sU͙cRs1 n"GS6b91uTs=MQR{dWзխrR'-j9~͗N2H,@TMIs}ag/cxī3Ƭ.n.AcR98Zfk57& wC(AeN^w{Bu'xX qr$D$Jfoœ2Ade"e2[Q}ю