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He described a Native American ceremony called  smudging on the campus as we spoke.  It s our way to show respect for the losses, for what has happened. The ceremony involves a small pyre of herbs and tobacco that burns throughout the day.<br><br>Heritage and History<br><br> Haskell s history dates back nearly a century. Among the many Native Americans who have passed through its halls is none other than Jim Thorpe.<br> The school began as a boarding school, and by the 1920s and 1930s its football team held quite a respectable reputation, several times becoming the national champions. In the 1950s it became a junior college with JV football. In 1999 the school of just 1,000 was accredited as a four-year university and Haskell s Fightin Indians football team began playing NAIA Division I football.<br>  Haskell is a government school, explains the Fightin Indians new Football Strength, Speed and Conditioning Coordinator, Curtis Schultz.  We are located on Indian land and we are college football s only all-Native American team. We re also affordable to any Native American with a tribal card we charge just $105 per semester, including room, board and tuition. It s a great opportunity for those who come through our doors. <br> This season, Haskell has revamped its team.  We re almost all freshmen, maybe ten sophomores, a couple juniors and just four seniors, says Coach Schultz.  We ve switched from option to spread this year, and have a new head coach, Graham Snelding. It s a young team, but it is pure untapped potential. A lot of these kids have never even lifted weights or explored their real potential. Many Native Americans mature late, and some of these kids are still growing, putting on size and making strength gains like you wouldn t believe. <br><br>The Dog Soldiers<br><br> In the middle of last summer, assistant coach Joe Forchtner was discussing strategy with his colleagues, putting the finishing touches on the playbook.  We began to think about traditions, like the Nebraska Black Shirts, says Coach Forchtner,  and we realized we needed one as a new rallying point for our defense. <br> Out of the caucus came the Dog Soldiers.  With Head Coach Snelding in his first year at the helm, tradition and respect to the school and the Native American was his first priority, recalls Coach Schultz.<br>  Tse-tschese-staeste is what the Cheyenne people call themselves. The word Cheyenne was believed to come from the French word chien for dog. The French traders called these people this because of the famous Dog Soldiers of the Cheyenne nation. The Dog Soldiers were the elite military organization of the tribe. They were the last line of defense for the people, explains Schultz.<br> The Dog Soldier was held in great regard. The warriors were outfitted with a particular sash, which trailed down to the ground. Each member carried a sacred arrow. During times of battle, a Dog Soldier would impale his sash with his arrow to anchor it to the earth and then stand his ground to the death.<br>  We contacted the tribe, recalls Coach Schultz,  and explained what we wanted to do. Shawn Little Bear told us it would be a great honor, and also warned us that we better know what we were doing, because the title Dog Soldier is coveted and should only be given to a special and c