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Creatine, at this time, does not fit into this BFS equation.<br><br>WHAT ABOUT ANDRO?<br>As Mark McGwire was closing in on baseball's home run record, national attention was focused on his use of a supplement called Andro (Androstenedione). It is highly doubtful that Androstenedione had that much to do with his 70 home runs. McGwire defended his use of it as being permissible in baseball although illegal in most other sports because of its steroid-like effects. BFS has never sold or promoted Andro and will not in the future; however, some companies chose to capitalize on Mark McGwire's use of it. t.<br>10. Teaches responsibility, which, in turn, improves caring for others and equipment.<br>11. Allows them to see how hard others are working to reach objectives.<br>12. Teaches respect.<br>13. Develops enthusiasm individually and as a group.<br>14. Teaches athletes to dream to achieve.<br>15. Teaches the value of commitment.<br>16. Helps them to be organized (dress, etc.)<br>17. Develops good decision making skills.<br>18. Teaches promptness.<br>19. Promotes participation in middle school and high school sports.<br>20. Makes an easy transition from grade school to middle school to high school., 265 Squat and 305 Deadlift.&nbsp; </P> <P><STRONG><EM>Jennie Ineman</EM>, </STRONG>a junior volleyball player, she has a 98% attendance in the weight room, 315 Squat, 85 Hang Snatch, 385 Box Squat&nbsp;and 135 Power Clean.</P> <P><STRONG><EM>Tami Kelly</EM>, </STRONG>plays volleyball, cheerleading and softball.&nbsp; She is 10-1 as a starting pitcher, has one No-Hitter and bats .381.&nbsp; She had 100% attendance during the winter and currently lifts two times a week.&nbsp; She was named 1st Team All-County and the team's Defensive Player of the Year.&nbsp; Her personal best's are a 315 Deadlift, 315 Squat and a 130 Power Clean.</P> <P><EM><STRONG>Erin Lalama</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior Volleyball player and softball player.&nbsp; She has a batting average of .380 for the year.&nbsp; Her personal best's in the weight room include a 315 Squat, 165 Push Jerk, 385 Box Squat and 135 Power Clean.</P> <P><EM><STRONG>Sara Sposetta</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior who is a cheerleader and runs track.&nbsp; She has qualified for the regional track meet in the 4 x 200 meter, 4 x 100 meter, 4 x 400 meter and the 200 meter.&nbsp; Her personal best's in the weight room include a 285 Deadlift and a 135 Power Clean.&nbsp; </P> <P><EM><STRONG>Jenny Beach</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior volleyball and track athlete.&nbsp; She is a member of the same 4 x 400 meter, 4 x 200 meter, 4 x 100 meter teams as Sara.&nbsp; She also placed fourth pl