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If we all can get just a little faster, jump a little higher and get a little stronger. <STRONG>Q: WHAT ABOUT COLLEGE?</STRONG> <STRONG>Ashley: </STRONG>I want to play and go into something like sports broadcasting. Definitely something in sports. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>I want to play both volleyball and basketball. I plan on going into the medical field, possibly a sports orthopedic surgeon. <STRONG>Brianne: </STRONG>Oh yeah! I want to play in college. I plan on being a business major. <STRONG>Cherisse: </STRONG>Yes, I would like to play in college. I am considering a major in nursing and business. <STRONG>Q: WILL WEIGHT TRAINING MAKE A GIRL LESS FEMININE? Ashley:</STRONG> Hey, healthy is in. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>That depends on how you do it. <STRONG>Brianne: </STRONG>It's an athletic thing to do. <STRONG>Cherisse: </STRONG>Muscle tone is a good thing. It is attractive. <STRONG>Q: WILL WEIGHTS SCREW UP YOUR TOUCH? Ashley: </STRONG>You can adjust by just practicing. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>When you play and lift, your body adjusts. <STRONG>Brianne: </STRONG>I don't believe it! <STRONG>Cherisse: </STRONG>All you need to do is have balance in your training. <STRONG>Q: WHAT ABOUT DRUGS AND ALCOHOL MIXED WITH ATHLETICS? Ashley: </STRONG>Don't touch it. Don't mess with it. My religious beliefs keep me from doing it. I have never had a drop. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>I don't do it because it isn't right. We all have made it clear to our friends that we don't do that stuff. So there is no social pressure now. <STRONG>Q: WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE SUCCESSFUL OR DO YOU HAVE ANY SAGE ADVICE? Ashley: </STRONG>You have only one chance in life so make the best of it. We didn't win the national championship on March 3rd: we won it with three hour practices and obeying the rules. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>It takes dedication and hard work. Also, if you are going to play, you should play because you love it. <STRONG>Brianne: </STRONG>Talent can only take you so far. You have to have a work ethic. <STRONG>Q: WHAT DO THE GUYS THINK ABOUT YOU LIFTING WEIGHTS? Ashley: </STRONG>The guys know this is what we do. <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>I am getting stronger. So what if you're a girl. <STRONG>Cherisse: </STRONG>Sometimes they say, "You're such a wimp." But, we are National Champions. We aren't going to let them intimidate us.&nbsp;</P> <P>About three months after our interview and just before we went to press, I called the girls to find out what the effects of our mini-clinic were on their lifting program. Here is what they said: <STRONG>Lindsey: </STRONG>We worked really hard after you left. We could really tell the difference. It was neat showing other people how to do the lifts. <STRONG>Brianne: </STRONG>We learned a whole lot. We now watch others and can easily pick out their mistakes. <STRONG>Cherisse: </STRONG>It's a lot easier to do it now. We notice a difference. Sometimes we tell the guys about their mistakes. It makes me feel cool that I now know what to look for.&nbsp;</P> <P>We thank Coach Brad Smith who has developed athletes who are self reliant and have such a wonderful attitude. We wish them well on their quest to win their third consecutive national title.</P>sses (Cantore and Nguygen, who both weighed less than 150 pounds) I ve proven I can coach these athletes F(j;2ò1tr6Apķ~n36<["B^1TMpU^3{=Ũq;:PvZ,g3J6ِg\AqȻꓦ.񩮍K)8M 8s1Ro}ȭq798۵dJ'P?~'38&Z :HиH_mAͷk%Ub`23dA6ةd:"L14C2;pɂH9sɒ+֤3nY%$9Ubz(Km8/ MNhճcW%ȑZ`:ov\ *r l$`FжVHgڭc՝#nH)!@*|<73a7[4k2}5qTo0x,@Z. ={ȣ.+!v$P)fvɠqO+YpQ*{ 9Y_Ǽ:ڃҭB-6缚k]PXͣg"5ڕqO