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Every athlete's back should look like Luther's back in Figure 8 when lifting, blocking, tackling, rebounding or doing any power movement in sports.  Figure 9 illustrates the Straight Leg Dead Lift which is a top priority auxiliary exercise in the BFS program.  This exercise will strengthen the lower back.  Detailed information on this exercise can be found in the Hamstring Safety article.

At anytime during any lift if the lower back comes out of its tight locked-in position, an injury is more likely.  Bad position on the rack phase of the Power Clean can cause lower back problems.  I have seen many athletes rack the bar as shown in Figure 10.  Compare that position with the correct rack position of figure 11 where the elbows are up and forward with the bar resting on the shoulders.  Now the athlete can get his hips back with the lower back safely in.

Setting a bar down incorrectly happens literally thousands of times a day.  Look at Figure 12.  New BFS Clinician, Jeff Kirkman, shows his disapproval.  This athlete is asking for trouble.  He has his head down and hips up with no bend in the knees.  Just use the same technique as picking up a weight.  Put it down the same way.  Spread the chest and "squat" it down.

Pictures will be added at a later date.

sc0Jnieads. One group of people has it all figured out and that is the players themselves. You think this year (1996) was awesome for home runs? Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet! For the next twenty years, you will co /JniكG0G#HcJnc/b>
Published: Summer 1997

The 1996 Parma High School Football team entered the season with high expectations.  Returning 9 starters on offense and defense (our players go both ways) from last years Western Idaho Conference Championship team, the potential for a promising season was great.  It was hard to believe that four short years ago as freshman, this group had gone 1-7, with the lone victory coming in overtime in the last game of the season.  I sincerely believe that we must look back to progress forward.  This group of young men were the first group of athletes to attend a clinic put on by Bob Rowbotham of Bigger Faster Stronger.  To win a state championship, three years later, i