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Impressive results at any level. After the first year under Coach Gentry s direction, Vick added 50 pounds to his bench, four inches to his vertical, and dropped his forty time to 4.33. Those numbers have taken another a big jump in the off-season. Since coming to Virginia Tech, Vick has added 17 pounds of muscle, can bench 340, squat 515, power clean 280, push jerk 310, vertical jump 41 inches and run a 4.25 forty.<br>Although some strength coaches have a conservative weight training program for their skill players, especially starting quarterbacks such as Vick, Coach Gentry doesn t believe in drastically changing his training for his skill athletes.  We don t train our quarterbacks any differently, says Gentry.  The most important thing for developing  short speed is leg strength. <br>Just as Vick was able to ease into the football program, Coach Gentry has designed a program that gets his players ready for some serious lifting. One of Gentry s first priorities with freshmen is cleaning up their lifting technique, especially with squats, and introducing them to speed-strength training with an emphasis on the Olympic lifts. For example, Gentry says he ll start their off-season training with the hang clean and the push press, then progress through the year to the power clean and the push jerk. He also emphasizes agility training, being especially big on the BFS dot drill, as well as flexibility work.<br>During the off-season, the players spend only three days a week in the weightroom for about 90 minutes. That s it.  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