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Assuring that the team worked out hard and trained properly in the weight room were Gorham s assistant coaches John Gendron and Jay Monterio. Says Gorham,  I m involved, certainly, but I gave them the ball and they went with it it s something they really love to do. <br>The enthusiasm that the implementation of the BFS program generated was, says Gorham,  incredible.  Many times people within earshot of the weight room would come by to see what all the hootin and hollerin was about. They would stick their head in to see someone breaking a record in one of the core lifts with all his teammates surrounding him, encouraging, cheering him on, and helping him achieve his goals. To add even more to the enthusiasm, every personal record would culminate in the ringing of a special bell in the weight room, signifying that a record had been broken.<br> Because all the kids were on the same program, they all experienced the same victories and struggles, and this fostered great empathy for their teammates and great team morale, says Gorham.  Our kids are just so excited to get into the weight room every day they want to break records and keep setting new goals. In fact, during one major snowstorm that forced the weight room to close for the day, several players came up to Coach Gorham to express their disappointment they would not be able to lift.<br>Another factor that helps motivate the Townies is the desire to please their fans.  We have terrific fan support. I think people would say without question that Friday night at Pierce Field, which is where we play, is an outstanding evening. We have 150 kids in the band, we have between the cheerleaders and flag choir another 50 kids it s a big following. In addition to packing the home stands, on away games they usually outdraw the team they re playing.<br><br>The Payoff<br><br>Despite the shortage of experienced players this year, East Providence finished the regular season with an 8-2 record, which earned them a place in the playoffs. Gorham describes the semifinal game as a  good ol fashioned mud fest against St. Raphael Academy. The game was highlighted by senior fullback Jamie Silva s 173 yards and three touchdowns on the slippery turf and a 26-21 victory. Finally, they found themselves in the championship game against the number-one seed, La Salle. <br>La Salle was riding a 24-game winning streak that included two state championships. When the game began, the more than 8,000 fans in attendance saw La Salle pick apart East Providence s five-man line until the Townies found themselves facing a 21-point deficit. But the Townies conditioning came through and the defense stopped La Salle from scoring again. Likewise, the offense did its part as their spread-option attack shocked La Salle with 35 unanswered points, winning East Providence the state title, 35-21. <br>On the bus ride home, the atmosphere was electric.  On any bus ride anywhere after that kind of achievement, kids sing and chant a lot of different things, says Coach Gorham.  This year a