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What does than mean? Are they physically ill? Emotionally depressed? Do they feel guilty? That expression could mean many different things, so it really doesn t communicate effectively. Nor does the tone generate much sympathy!<br><br>BFS: Many comedians swear. Isn t there some humor associated with swearing?<br><br>JO: Definitely. When comedians first started swearing on TV and other forums, it was funny because they were breaking taboos, breaking the rules. Now that s become worn out and excessive, and it s also lazy humor. Really good humor is clever, it s witty---the comedians who have to rely on swearing are just not as talented as the others.<br><br>BFS: Many words considered swear words in the past, such as damn, are not as powerful as they once were. Is this a positive trend, perhaps a sign that we re more tolerant?<br><br>JO: As our language has evolved, society has accepted more terms---and we were much too repressive in the past. Because the word damn was used in the movie Gone with the Wind ( Frankly, my dear, I don t give a damn. ), the director was fined $5,000. That seems ridiculous now.<br><br>BFS: Do young people swear more now than 10 or 20 years ago?<br><br>JO: Yes, and swearing has trickled down to grade school and even preschool kids. One of the reasons is that swearing was pretty taboo prior to the 1960s, but after what I call the  liberation generation came along, everyone started using it more freely. When they became parents and swore in front of their children, the children picked it up. <br><br>BFS: Do you believe the media have anything to do with the continual increase in swearing?<br><br>JO: Yes, I think the media are very responsible. Movies in particular, because movies set trends. If you are watching a movie and you see movie stars whom you really admire and they re using this language, that seems to authorize it for you too.<br><br>BFS: Do you go to movies?<br><br>JO: I love the movies, but I ve noticed that swearing often doesn t seem to fit into the character development or the plot. Even in Disney cartoons they throw in one or two words that may offend some parents who wonder,  Why are they saying that? <br><br>BFS: Did you see the movie version of South Park?<br><br>JO: Yes.<br><br>BFS: Did you laugh?<br><br>JO: Yes, it was very funny. I thought the story line was quite clever and the characters were hilarious, but the movie would have been funny with much less swearing. What s interesting is that when I saw it, a couple of guys in their 20s were sitting in front of me. They were in hysterics when the little cartoon kids started swearing, but after about 30 minutes they didn t laugh at that anymore, only the parts that were authentically funny. <br>BFS: What are some of the problems with swearing?<br><br>JO: The biggest problem is often not with the words themselves, but the tone or the attitude behind the words---they can be very hostile and bitter. Who wants to be around someone who is often angry, negative, and just plain unpleasant? Swearing influences the way people judge you---your character, your intelligence, your maturity. Swearing can also be very harmful to relationships, both at work and at home. <br><br>BFS: Doesn t swearing help get your message across, enhance your language?<br><br>JO: Swearing gets across the message that you re upset, but I think that too often there s no reason for people to be so mad. In everyday life, things go wrong, accidents happen, people make mistakes. In the past people usually just deal