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The community of approximately 650 people yields a high school population of about 92 students. Coaches that cannot be found within the teaching staff are recruited from other areas. The boys basketball staff is made up of the school s custodian and a local rancher, while the school superintendent manages the cross-country team. Finding coaches for most sports can be difficult enough with a limited school budget, so Class C schools in Montana rarely are able to hire the strength and weight training specialists that bigger schools may have.<br> You have to get all the coaches and players and community to buy into it. Maybe then the other coaches will see how you can get results, commented Hofstad on the challenges of operating a new program in a small district.<br>When one begins to think that the challenges have been overcome, they can return very quickly. As the new season approaches, Valier must begin to work on accomplishing a new goal - getting back to the State C Tournament. That could be harder than it sounds, as Valier will once again lose two starters, only this time the loss may be even more detrimental to the squad.<br>Along with Brophy, the team s most-valuable-player last season, the Lady Panthers said goodbye to their three-year starting setter Hayley Powers. Their one-two combination was a wonderful asset to the team, and Hofstad will have the complicated task of working to adequately replace them by making her team more defensively minded.  This team has a goal to make it back to the state tournament, says the coach,  To do that, we will have to be a lot quicker, and be a scrappier team instead of a power team. BFS dot drill helps with that. <br>No matter what the future holds for this team, they have experienced the sweet success that comes with working to be better, faster, and stronger. Nothing can overshadow the accomplishments last season s team made; those will live forever. Instead it s the Valier Volleyball Team s mission to justify those achievements by using their determination to work even harder next season.use the BFS Readiness Program here at Centennial Junior High School. I have found it to be a program that sells itself to the athletes. When done correctly, and with commitment, it builds champions. Already, our upperclassmen have made great strides. At the high school, the advanced BFS in-season program found our varsity football players gaining strength in poundage, and height in their vertical jumps. This itself is the testimony that sells the program. The kids see results and believe. When these younger athletes begin to believe at an early age, it will then lead to nothing less than winning championships at Centennial High School.<br><br><br><br>" <br><br> As an administrator, it is very exciting to see thirty-nine junior high students commit to a program which will assist them in reaching their athletic and personal goals. I am amazed that not only the students, but also the parents make the sacrifice to bring their children to the school at 7:00 a.m. to participate in the program. The students are genuinely sold on the program and are maintaining their enthusiasm by seeing improvements in all of the tested areas. In addition to the obvious benefits the students are gaining physically, they also are learning the discipline which is required to b