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Then on the next rep try Figure 7 s stance. Use as many  steps as necessary to get the athlete in the correct position. <br>Figure 8 & 9 personifies the goal of executing a Parallel Squat from an athletic stance in an upright position with perfect balance. Bottom Line: Once you experience the kinesthetic feel of the balance that is required, you can perform a decent Parallel Squat. Good luck!icks. Our thanks to Rick Huegli, Bill and Kyle for their gracious hospitality and sharing their Upper Limit ideas and program.s fourth Olympic Gold Medal, he was 6'-4" and weighed 295 pounds.&nbsp; He was able to arrow grip Bench Press 525 for two reps, Squat (touch a bench at parallel) for 5 reps at 725 pounds, Hang Clean 5 reps at 350 pounds, perform swinging, explosive curls for 5 reps at 325 pounds and do dumbbell alternate presses, flys and curls with 100 to 120 pound dumbbells.&nbsp; "I had a strong back from doing the old Jefferson Lift," remembered Oerter.&nbsp; "I used up to 450 pounds even at a young age."&nbsp;</P> <P>Oerter doesn't think that it is possible for an Upper Limit athlete to avoid injuries.&nbsp; "If you work at elevated levels," reasoned Oerter, "you must expect some injuries.&nbsp; You don't look for injuries but you must push yourself. &nbsp;That is the only way to become stronger."</P> <P>In Rome, Oerter slipped on a muddy ring in the preliminaries and ripped the cartilage loose from his rib cage.&nbsp; "That was devastating," remembered Oerter, "I couldn't sleep, eat or throw. It really hurt!"&nbsp; The doctors told him there was nothing they could do.&nbsp; But, Oerter persisted.&nbsp; So, the doctors agreed to try a method where they froze the muscle, taped it, gave him ammonia capsules and then hoped for the best.</P> <P>Since each competitor gets to keep their best throw from the previous days preliminaries, Oerter could have stayed in the top eight without over extending himself.&nbsp; However, he said, "I just thought about the four years of hard work and those 1460 days. &nbsp;I did not want to cheat myself."&nbsp; Then during finals each competitor was allowed three throws.&nbsp; But because of the excruciating pain, Oerter decided to make the 2nd throw his last.&nbsp; "So," tells Oerter, "on that second throw I gave it everything I had."&nbsp; He threw an Olympic record!</P> <P>When asked about the struggles experienced in training for the Olympics, Oerter replied, "Barriers in life happen all the time.&nbsp; You have got to step it up.&nbsp; If you back down, you never learn anything about life or yourself."&nbsp; Later in his career Oerter did have Olympic coaches who would really push him but he always knew it was to make him better.</P> <P>Al Oerter was also a great success in the business world. Ironically, he worked with computers and advanced techno