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"I had three big time coaches actually in my house. But, I've been a Tennessee fan all my life. Coming to Tennessee was like a dream come true. <br>Chad red shirted his first year and then became a starter in his first year of eligibility. This next season will mark his 4th year as a starter for the Vols. Last year Chad earned first-team All-SEC honors and this year is making Pre-Season All-America teams. Coach Mike Barry, Chad's line Coach, gave his evaluation. "Chad has all the tools for greatness." <br>Winning the national championship was the biggest highlight of his career. "It just makes you work harder," said Chad speaking about his preparation to defend the title in 1999. "You tasted it and you want to taste it again."<br>Speaking as a captain who is proud of his teammates, Chad reported, "No one is sitting back. Everybody is working so hard. Everyone puts in extra time to get better."<br>Chad believes he has a chance to play in the NFL. "If it happens," explains Chad, "I will thank the Lord. But, I need to stay healthy and work hard. That's why my degree is so important. When football is over at whatever level, I'll be able to move on. Graduating means a lot to me and my parents.<br>  I believe to be successful you must work hard with determination. You have got to want to be successful. Summer is the key. How hard are you willing to work in the summer?"<br>The question of steroids is becoming almost obsolete. Football players at Division I schools do not seem to be using nearly as much as a decade or two ago. Chad stated, "I've never seen them. I've seen steroids on TV. I figured I'd see them when I came to Tennessee but I never have. I've never tried Andro but I have used a little Creatine. I stopped that. I'm big enough. I believe you should be happy with yourself. Never go halfway. Always give your best effort."<br>Chad has two brothers and two sisters and loves his family get-togethers. "If I did something bad, they would still love me but it would be difficult and going back to my small town would be humiliating. I'm lucky to have a great family and to have faith in the Lord."<br>Coach Stucky was so very right. He's got one. Coach Stucky preaches to all his players to stay humble and hungry. He calls it the two "H's." He stresses three areas for success: Discipline, work ethic and accountability. Chad Clifton is the poster player for this ideal. <br>Go Vols!<br><br>______________<br><br> Over the last two years the Vols have averaged over 106,500 rabid fans per game. Tops in the nation. focus primarily on track. Engineering is a very difficult major, so my first thought was to find an engineering program that suited me, and then make my final choice based on the school s athletic program. Another important consideration was that my parents have always encouraged Brenda and me to pursue an academic career above all else, so when the opportunity to attend an Ivy League school presented itself, I couldn t even consider another alternative. During my visit to Brown I fell in love with the campus and the people I met. It was the most wonderful environment I had ever been in---I fel