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Our school, like any other school, really got fired up when our football team had so much success this season. The whole community did. When we made it to the stadium for the finals there was a big rally, tailgating at the stadium, thousands of people at the game. <br><br> A Special Team<br><br> Our team is a special group and we knew it from their freshman year four years ago, says Hamamoto. They were undefeated as freshmen, so there was talent there, but what a <br>group---many of them were often getting in trouble. They loved football, but to be successful they needed to stay out of trouble. But, kids are kids! They love to compete and have fun. BFS taught them how to do both and keep on task. <br>To emphasize how special his players are, Hamamoto continued,  We are one of the most successful teams this season in San Diego County. But unlike many other winning teams this year, we only had one scholarship---Andy Huang, who is going to play next year at Sacramento State. It was a bunch of very good high school players who decided they were going to be successful. They were dedicated with their workouts and they beat many teams with Division 1 football-scholarship players on them. <br><br> It s Your Loss<br><br> I would not recommend BFS clinics to any school that we play, Hamamoto joked, then continued,  I sure would recommend BFS Clinics and I have. Some coaches are just too stubborn to try, but it s their loss. I can t say enough about how much BFS has helped our program to be one of the best in San Diego. <br>On behalf of the entire BFS staff, I thank Coach Hamamoto for his dedication to his players and wish him and his Broncos continued success in the years <br>to come.e 9.&nbsp; Only a very, very small percentage of athletes will be able to squat&nbsp; more effectively with a high bar placement and this is because of structural differences in bone length and tendon-muscle attachments.</P> <P align=left>Some power lifters will place the bar extremely low on the shoulders.&nbsp; Sometimes the bar may be as much as four inches from the top of the shoulders, which is against the rules.&nbsp; For some lifters, this may give a slight anatomical advantage or the advantage may be experienced because of a heavy, tight lifting suit or even lack of flexibility.&nbsp; Whatever the reason, extreme low&nbsp;bar placement squatting will detract from overall leg development which is obviously bad for an athlete.</P> <P align=left>Most athletes will be able to find a natural groove on the shoulders when they come under the bar in a proper position.&nbsp; "Don't put the bar on your neck; put it on your shoulders.&nbsp; Find a groove."&nbsp; In almost every case, if you say these technique cues, athletes will be able to have excellent bar placement during their squat.</P> <P align=left><STRONG>C. Taking the Bar off the Rack:</STRONG>&nbsp; I've seen high school athletes get all psyched to squat and get their shoulders 2-3 inches under the bar.&nbsp; Then, with an explosive movement, jam their shoulders against the bar.&nbsp; Well, jamming your shoulders against a steel bar from this 2-3 inch space will cause the athlete to bruise his neck or shoulders.&nbsp; Besides hurting, it is unlikely the athlete will have the bar placed on his shoulders correctly.</P> <P align=left>On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen athletes wimp a bar off the rack.&nbsp; Many times this athlete will not be in a good solid squatting position as he backs up to a ready stance.</P> <P align=left>A far superior way is to come u