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Terrence was hobbling around for about two months, and his squat went down to 520 from 650, but he s a tough bud and worked hard. Entering the season he was around 95 percent healthy. <br>At 6 3 and 320 pounds of solid muscle, Metcalf is very explosive, as is evidenced by his 27-inch vertical jump without a step. He also has a 385 push jerk, a 365 power clean and a 505 bench press up 60 pounds from the start of the pre-season. One of the reasons for the increase, according to Mendoza, was an emphasis on the board press, a partial-range-of-motion exercise similar to the BFS towel bench press.  The board presses are vital for offensive linemen to develop lockout strength. In football you re basically working six to eight inches off your chest, and board presses help us simulate that motion. <br> In addition to a grueling rehab program for his ankle, the one aspect of training that is special for Metcalf in his position is balance work. Says Mendoza,  You have to have great balance to be an offensive lineman to understand where your balance is so you re not leaning forward on the toes or back on your ankles. To train for this we do a lot of balance-board exercises and work with medicine balls. <br>His first year as a strength coach at Ole Miss, the number-one goal that Mendoza wanted to accomplish with his players was to establish a strong work ethic. Said Mendoza,  Coming into a new coaching situation you think you re going to run into a lot of problems, but the players responded everybody wanted to work, especially Terrence.  When he s in the weightroom, he gets after it. He always wants to do more, and anytime we try to do something new or challenging he s always there trying to learn, trying to get better. He s a go-getter. <br>With his final college season underway, Metcalf is avoiding the media hype to focus on achieving his goals. He s working hard to fulfill his degree requirements, and his coaches are impressed with his sense of responsibility. His exceptional work ethic, strength and skills assure Terrence Metcalf a bright future, and he s one lineman who will be remembered at Ole Miss.yers must Parallel Squat and Power Clean to develop their maximum power. If baseball players were to really get after these two lifts and do them correctly, you'd have to do one of two things. Either move the fences back another 50 feet or get used to football-like scores.&nbsp;</P> <P>Baseball players should also do quick foot drills, stretch for speed and jumping power, sprint train and plyometric train. We also do not want to overtrain in the weight room. The maximum time in the weight room should be 45 to 75 minutes three times per week in the off-season and two 30-45 minute workouts twice per week during the season.&nbsp;</P> <P>The How-To-Do-It part of the "secret" is even more important than the what part of the "secret". The correct and perfect technique of any phase of strength and conditioning is critical to success. There are special things to