JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================JK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?%RUþ?ˆK",.Z<#>)BeuRLdԖ *}6J'5x^mXb>ϯ+2QHWO5V%IX"F +d0(:T{*QcҘ!ݏd4aQڟ֐h_jךj2ʱr$wLvNT3W = 0=Trz4gH :+ɵw, p#>»WϘ7HXB} ̑ʰ*&^ͷdrzuZX&(׸ ߍ Zhm%2I$ sSWNN5gb%C=zSl Vcp֬=#[y*+"g@juʮk.o\eUyOItTvcz@o1`\3{g\w}2+a5(llԼ*2ϥIBKf}`GJ7s.Fuk#FFoupڥżHd]Њ^uNn&i {/aW2O JKGI0 ba'vٵEC3bOΨ<Mpnl#̇i`9k;T֗ B>#@LqN3R2l-eGcyZ:50xQ;V>rI{_.6wm8'JùZ5 ]YמkQSI)1\1 eiBZ_8~j[)@:Ub#\xCiEr 3$ Tпz&i ߾j+")*#um gm4ox`X-%^\ԺOb䴦o>Gj6"8*LTZԝT`G=*aK@tell you I lectured and wrote about Hans Selye and the importance of variation schemes with Set-Rep Systems. I can tell you I lectured and wrote about Hans Selye and the importance of variation with sets and reps in strength gains over a long period of time as far back as 1967. One of my professors at the University of Oregon taught about Selye and the body's adaptation to stress. I used these theories in developing systems of changing sets and reps by experimenting with variation. Eventually, this turned into the BFS Set-Rep System and BFS Total Program.&nbsp;</P> <P>Whoever thought of using Selye's theories first is not important. What is important is that variation is the key to sustaining progress over a year or career of training. Dr. Stone uses variation in his periodization model which is influenced by Russian/East European