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Like most success stories, it wasn't easy and without complications. They won their first four games and then lost two in a row. They lost to their archrival Belleville in double overtime 10-7, and then to Goodland 14-7. Coach Culwell explains,  It was good in a way because it brought the kids closer together. It showed them that they couldn't win if they weren't playing together as a team. It showed them that everyone had to be doing their job, without pointing fingers and bickering one with another." Through this, the Panthers rallied together. Senior Linebacker John Hake, brought his team together emotionally and mentally.  He is the heart and soul of our team, exhorted Coach Culwell.  He always stood up as a leader and gave a heart-touching motivational pep talk before each game. That little extra inspiration helped each player reach deep down inside for strength when times got tough. <br>Concordia had learned from their losses and were ready to battle together as a team and win. The Panthers stunned the defending State Champion, Topeka Hayden, with a 27-14 victory in the 4-A bi-district game. Tailback, Josh Williams, despite playing with a broken bone in his right hand, carried the ball 34 times for 254 yards. Culwell praised,  That was a great effort. He is a true warrior. Next came a big game against unbeaten 10-0 Kingman. The Panthers demolished them easily with a 16-0 shutout victory. This advanced them into the semi-finals of the State Playoffs for the first time in history. Things were getting heated up and the Panthers were on a roll. They barely beat Wellington 16-14 for a shot to play for state crown. <br>The State Championship game against 12-0 undefeated Holton, was Concordia's final test to see if they had what it took to wear the number one crown in the state. They faced number one ranked Holton who had outscored its three opponents in the playoffs earlier this season with a combined score of 128-20. Senior linebacker/fullback, John Hake reports,  I think that is one of our greatest weapons. We don't ever get intimidated. The Panthers played with fury. Dreams and goals were on the verge of becoming a reality. <br>The 6-2, 190 pounder Josh Williams, was the workhorse for Concordia. He had 31 carries for 282 yards. Glimpses of John Hakes eighth grade photo flashed through William's mind with the words  1999 State Champs written on the back. Williams wanted more than anything for that dream to come true, and a broken hand wasn't going to stand in his way. The Panthers played like the champions that Coach Culwell taught them that they were and at last the sweet victory came. They no longer had to believe because now they knew that they were champions with the 42-21 win over Holton which gave them the honor to call themselves  1999 State Champions. <br>At the end of the 1999 season, after the Panthers savored their sweet State Championship title, senior quarterback, Kellen Bombardier, tried to express his deepest feelings for Coach Culwell. A lump formed in his throat as emotions of gratitude consumed him. He couldn't get the words out so he expressed his feelings in a letter that thanked Coach Culwell for leading them to success. Bombardier praised,  Thanks for making us believe that we could be State Champions by making us say it everyday. It was a dream come true to play with all of my best friends and win the State Championship. in weights. All I really did was circuit training. Almost every wrestler red-shirts, like the three of us, in the first year. <br>Cody has proven himself to be excellent in Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling. He is thinking about continuing on with wrestling now that he has graduated but it will be tough.  I am looking at medical school and I m married now, so I have greater responsibilities. <br>Cole has also done well in Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling. He