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They all have about the same amount of carbohydrates. Diet drinks have zero carbohydrates. If you must drink a soda, you should drink a diet soda. But, remember, our first drink of choice is water.<br><br>Second, french fries are very high in both carbohydrates and fat, especialy those at fast food restaurants. You just cannot mix these two macro-nutrients in high quantities. Third, potato chips or any thing like them. Fourth, donuts or pastries of any kind. Fifth, candy, especially those candies with high levels of chocolate.<br><br>PRECAUTIONS: Many coaches and athletes have called to tell me about their successes. One coach lost over 20 pounds in his first 28 days but had almost zero carbohydrates. I would caution against this and stick with the BFS Nutrition Plan of having 40 grams of carbs per day. Another coach lost some significant inches around his waist but in the beginning felt light headed. He should have taken the recommended four potassium tablets per day (99 mg). The potassium supplement is needed because of excess water loss which occurs in the first two weeks. One athlete s mother called in to say that her son was not eating any fruits and vegetables. He was losing weight and he wanted to gain weight. My advice to all athletes is to eat fruits, vegetables and salads. Stay away from the five lethal food. If you want to gain weight, eat a lot of good protein and carbohydrate foods.<br><br><br>_______________________________________<br><br>THE FIVE LETHAL FOODS<br>______________________<br><br>1. Soda<br>2. French Fries<br>3. Potato Chips<br>4. Donuts and Pastries<br>5. Candy<br><br><br>to use the Mega Hex. Only those who qualify can touch or use the Mega Hex. Make it a positive prestige tool. ff, a noted exercise scientist from South Africa, had an opportunity to train with thBx Reding back in 1971. This Belgian behemoth was the first man to snatch 400 pounds and was considered the greatest rival of the most famous weightlifter of all time, Vasily Alexeyev. Siff saw Reding squat, all the way down, without wraps, 880 pounds for 5 reps and perform repeated jumps a foot off the groun while holding 286 pounds in his hands!  When Serge Reding stayed with our family, he shared an enormous amount of material with me, recalls Siff.  He stressed that  core exercises (such as the squat and power clean) were of little value if even one minor muscle group is weak and lets you down in competition. <br> <br> From Pommel Horse <br>to Car Seat<br><br>Although the glute-ham raise had been used by European athletes since the turn of the century, American athletes were introduced to it in 1971 through Strength and Health magazine. The magazine showed pictures of Russian weightlifters performing the lift on a pommel horse in front of wooden stall bars.<br>American weightlifter Bud Charniga saw the article and decided to include the new exercise in his exercise arsenal.  What I did was take a padded car seat and nail it to a carpenter s bench. I then placed it in front of my power rack and hooke my ankles underneath my barbell so that I wouldn t tip over. <br>Because the car seat Charniga used was padded and had a much sharper curve than the pommel horses the Russians were using, he noticed something unusual.  I noticed that when I did the exercise, the curved surface of the car seat helped me flex my knees more so that I could get a greater range of motion. Although you can t directly attribute all his lifting success to one exercise, it should be noted that in 1974 after Charniga began performing the exercise, he snatched 352 pounds, only 5 pounds off the American record in his bodyweight division.<br>In 1979 Charniga visited Russia and found that every gym he looked in had a glute-ham station, and that the exercise was an integral part of the training of Russian weightlifters. He saw that weightlifters would often perform some variation of the exercise twice in a workout, once before the workout with light weights as a warm-up, and again at the end of the workout with heavy weights as a strengthening exercise. This sensible practice was also followed in the U.S. In fact, five-time national weightlifting champion Ken Clark, whose picture appears in the BFS Total Program Book, began every workout with several sets of back extension exercises. I