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(Approx 56 teaspoons) not to mention the 564 mg of caffeine the equivalence of three Maximum strength No-Doz pills.<br><br>BFS Nutritional Point System<br><br>This is a point system which enables you to better and more easily evaluate your diet. Points for individual foods are established as follows: 2 pts = food that has good nutritional value. 1 pt = food that has fair nutritional value (only for those who want to gain weight). O pts = the five lethal foods. To better understand the application of this point system, all you need to know is the Five Basic Food Groups. Listed below are the Five Food groups and their point value assignment. BREAD AND CEREAL GROUP: 2 pts each* EXAMPLES: bread, pasta, cereal, noodles, oatmeal, rice. DAIRY GROUP: 2 pts each EXAMPLES: milk (low-fat), cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese. MEAT GROUP: 2 pts each EXAMPLES: chicken, beef, eggs, fish, pork. FRUIT: 2 pts each EXAMPLES: apples, oranges, bananas. VEGETABLES: 2 pts each EXAMPLES: corn, potatoes and peas. Eating more of the same food gives you one additional point. Example: one apple - 2 pts; two or more apples = 3 pts. Foods that combine more than one food group can earn up to 5 pts. Example: a peanut butter sandwich = 4 pts; a cheese, meat & lettuce sandwich = 5 pts.<br><br>Examples of Food Point Assignments<br>One glass milk = 2 pts (two or more = 3 pts)<br>One glass O.J. = 2 pts (two or more = 3 pts)<br>Two pancakes = 2 pts* (more = 3 pts)<br>Two eggs = 2 pts (three or more = 3 pts)<br>Sandwich w/one item = 4 pts (w/two or more = 5 pts)<br>French fries one serving = 1 pts*<br>Coffee = 0 pts<br>Milkshake= 1 pts*<br>Cereal w/milk = 4 pts<br>Casserole depending on ingredients = 2 - 5 pts<br>Pizza (1 slice) depending on toppings = 3 - 5 pts*<br>French toast 2 pieces = 2 pts* (more = 3 Pts)<br>Chunky soup 1 bowl = 3 pts<br>Potato chips 5-10 chips = 1 pt*<br>Soda pop = 0 pts<br>Candy bar = 0 pts<br>Ice cream cone = 1 pt*<br><br>* Only for those who want to gain weight. For those who want to lose weight, 0 pts.<br><br>The maximum points that can be earned for any one particular meal is 10 points. This prevents hoarding or overindulgence. The minimum for breakfast should be 8 pts. One or more glasses of water is worth two bonus points. Eat a minimum of 2 points from each food group per day. You may supplement your daily diet with a good multiple vitamin and mineral tablet.<br> <br>DAILY NUTRITIONAL POINT SCALE<br>30 - 40 pts Good diet, no changes needed.<br>25 - 29 pts Good diet, some improvement could be made.<br>20 - 24 pts Necessary to make some changes, especially if your are active in athletics.<br>15 - 19 pts Need a better diet, must make some changes.<br>10 - 14 pts Definitely need a better diet.<br>5 - 9 pts Do something immediately to change. Sickness and serious illness likely.<br>O - 4 pts See a coach, doctor or Clergyman. Death could result.<br><br><br>BFS Pre-Exwercise Meal<br><br> I believe the training principle of Carbo Loading is overrated. With all our improved tracks, running shoes and training methods, we are running distance races slower than ever. Almost all of our American distance records were set 15 to 30 years ago. <br> Jim Ryan set the high school record in the mile back in 1965. It was reported that he ate a pregame meal of sauerkraut and wieners. Barry Sears, author of "The Zone", states, "There is enough stored energy in our fat cells to equal eating 1,700 pancakes." Apparently, stored fat is what Jim Ryan used for energy.<br