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To score as many points as possible we would be put into different events. So instead of having us come in first and second, I was put into events where I could get first and Lindsay was put into events where she could get first. I was a stronger sprinter and hurdler than Lindsay, and Lindsay was a stronger jumper, so she would focus on the jumps and I would focus on the sprints and hurdles. <br>A key part of the Taylor twins conditioning is weight training, which they took up seriously in high school. Says Lindsay,  When I was in high school the football coach was an avid reader of Bigger Faster Stronger magazine, and his weight training program was a product of what he had read. He helped my high school track coach work out a program based on what he had learned from BFS. At present, both women have progressed to the level where they can power clean 190 pounds; Lindsay can full squat 250, whereas Brenda can full squat 280 and parallel squat 350.<br>While in high school the twins had received recruiting offers from many colleges with strong track programs. They had assumed they would be going to one of these colleges, but after high school they decided on Ivy League universities instead. They made exceptional choices.<br> I wanted to pursue a degree in cognitive neuroscience, and I knew that my textbooks would be written by my professors. On my visit to Harvard, I was asking questions of persons who were on the cutting edge of the research they were doing---I was really drawn to that, says Brenda. When I visited, the thing that people kept telling me was,  You ll have new roommates, and every day you ll learn something amazing that they ve done. And I just thought that would be one of the greatest things I could get out of college---the interaction with so many incredible people. You can be inspired so much by their energy. <br>Lindsay majored in mechanical engineering.  I decided in high school that I wanted a degree in engineering so that I could pursue a career in prosthetic design. I figured that if I took an athletic scholarship, I would be forced to focus primarily on track. Engineering is a very difficult major, so my first thought was to find an engineering program that suited me, and then make my final choice based on the school s athletic program. Another important consideration was that my parents have always encouraged Brenda and me to pursue an academic career above all else, so when the opportunity to attend an Ivy League school presented itself, I couldn t even consider another alternative. During my visit to Brown I fell in love with the campus and the people I met. It was the most wonderful environment I had ever been in---I felt so at home there. On my recruiting trip a student said,  Brown is a microcosm of what the world could be like if we could all just get along. Harvard students may lead the world, but Brown students will change it. The profundity of that statement astonished me, it has been with me ever since. <br>To help defray the costs of attending college, both Brenda and Lindsay were able to receive academic scholarships---which was an economic necessity since neither Harvard nor Brown gives athletic scholarships. Says Brenda,  I think the explanation is they re trying to attract people with diverse qualities and talents, and it would go against their principles for them to say they re going to give an athletic scholarship as opposed to a scholarship to the best violinist in the United States, or whatever field that person stands out in. <br>Lindsa