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Jenny is a powerlifter out of curiosity, a pole vaulter at heart.<br>Two years ago, when she was 14, she won the Junior Olympics in the pole vault with a 10-6. Although a no-heighter last year cost her a second chance at the Junior Olympics, Jenny cleared 11-10 for the All-Class State Record. She plans on defending her title this year, with new determination.<br> I was at home with my family watching the Olympics the night Stacy won, says Jenny, now 15 and in 10th grade.  I couldn t help but think about how cool it would be if that was me in four years. The timing is just about perfect for me, but I bet we re going to see the heights increase. My guess is women may be having to hit 16-6 or 17 to medal at the next summer games. <br><br>Guts and Glory<br><br>Jenny s interest was piqued by her older brother s experimentation with the vault. At the time Jenny was in 7th grade and asked her brother s coach if she could try it.  He said no, recalls Jenny,  but I just kept bugging him. He finally let me try and I loved it! It s exciting and a real challenge. Once in a while I get a little anxious but I don t have any fear about putting my all into it. My main goal this year is just to make 12 feet. <br>When Coach Rezak joined the school in Jenny s 8th year, her weight training program began in earnest. She began seeing the positive changes not just in the vault, but in volleyball, basketball and other track events as well. Jenny added powerlifting to her sports resume and still found the time to be on the student council, in the school s Spanish club and carry a 4.0 academic GPA--not bad for someone who won t see 16 years until next June!<br> Our facility isn t that big, says Coach Zavala of the school s weight room.  But we don t need a big fancy facility. What s important is what the kids get done. <br>Coach Zavala and Coach Rezak work as a team in the weight room.  Scott has helped me a lot, says Sharon.  He s patient with me and we ve designed a program specifically for the girls, plus some extra auxiliary lifts. It s year-round as well. They train three times a week during the school year and four times per week during the summer in June and July. It s my entire volleyball team and I d say my attendance is 90 percent--not bad for summer. Of course, the end of the weight training coincides with my try-outs so there s extra incentive for the girls to do it. <br>So why is Coach Zavala so sold on the BFS program?  I ve seen the gains and improvements. We jump very well, the girls are quicker and we have fewer injuries. We can play a two-hour match and ask who s sore the next day, and no one utters a groan. Three years ago that wasn t the case. Their bodies just don t wear down now. <br>Not surprising, Coach Zavala is now weight training two days a week herself!<br><br>A Senior Coming <br>On Strong<br><br>The changes in the sport are not just for the young girls growing up with the opportunity. It is there for female athletes of all ages who are ready for a new challenge and appreciate the opportunities and new acceptance of women in sports.<br>For Val Jalajas (pronounced like yell-at-us) a 22-year-old senior at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, the vault came knocking at her door. A former child gymnast, Val was taking a tennis class from the track coach. The two began talking about form and biomechanics. Soon, Val was doing some flips for the tennis coach. He immediately recognized the similarities to the skills needed for vaulting and asked her to show his vaulters some gymnastics moves.<br>The vaulters watched Val; and she watched them. The next thing she knew she was in a meet, and won. She was h