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The Sprint System should be done 2-4 times weekly in-season and off-season, in groups or individually. Feedback from a coach, parent or teammate is important. <br><br>Concentrate on one area of the body for each sprint (head, torso, legs). On the last sprint of each set, combine the eight points to achieve a full speed sprint. Time and record the last sprint of each set in your logbook. Try to break the record each week. Practice this system two or three times a week when the body is FRESH. Following these guidelines and EVERY athlete can improve speed dramatically!<br><br><br>__________<br><br><br>THE BFS 8 POINT SPRINT SYSTEM<br><br>The BFS 8-Point Sprint Technique System singles out 8 specific points that must be looked at when assessing an athletes technique. These points are as follows:<br><br>HEAD<br>1. Head - The head should be level and <br> unwavering<br><br>2. Eyes - The eyes should be on a target <br> straight ahead.<br><br>TORSO<br>3. Back - The back should be upright and <br> slightly arched.<br><br>4. Arms - The shoulders should rotate vigorously <br> with elbows fixed in a 90 degree angle. <br> Emphasize thrusting the elbows back. <br><br>5. Wrists - The wrists should simulate a whip <br> action as the shoulder rotates back.<br><br>LEGS<br>6. Legs - Initial leg action is to lift forward then up. <br><br>7. Feet - The feet should make the initial plant <br> directly under the hips not out in front of the <br> body. The toes should be kept up don t let the <br> foot drop.<br><br>8. Knees - On the follow-through or end of the <br> leg drive, the knee should fully extend. to the wrong people. I had a great high school coach and counselor. They kept me going in the right direction. My parents were always a big help and my position coach here at ASU, Dan Cozzetto always helps me.&nbsp;</P> <P>"I learned not to hang with the wrong people. I had a tough junior year trying to rethink my life in high school. If a buddy tries to get you to do something wrong, he's not really your friend. &nbsp;</P> <P>"Some of my classmates who got into drugs in high school are now whacko. I had 3 or 4 friends who did the right things in high school and they are doing great now. It's sad to see an ex-classmate on the street looking for their next hit."&nbsp;</P> <P>Juan has never even thought of taking something like steroids. "I don't need them," said Juan. "God gave me plenty of talent. I always bust my butt in the weight room. I was 6'8", 252 in my freshman year at ASU. I wasn't strong or coordinated, so I talked to my strength coach. He asked what I was willing to do to be the best and I told him, "Whatever it takes." I trained six days a week. I trained like the off-season during the season. I did that for almost three years. My Bench went from 270 to 380 in one year and my bodyweight rose from 252 to 310 pounds.&nbsp;"</P> <P>A lot of it was just eating right. I made sure I had a good breakfast and lunch which I never had done before. I would say to anyone, 'Don't be afraid of hard work. It will pay off someway. Nothing comes easy. It's important to earn what you get."&nbsp;</P> <P><EM>Juan has examplified what strength training and conditioning is all about. He has made steady gains in increasing his lean muscle mass, strength, footspeed, conditioning and agility during his time at ASU. He has remained in Tempe during the summer months for the last three years to lead the team in total number of summer lift and run workouts. </EM><EM></EM>&nbsp;</P> <P><EM>His enthusiasm toward strength and conditioning has helped intensify the team's commitment to a year-round training program."<BR>-ASU Strength and Conditioning Coach Rich Wenner</EM>&nbsp;</P> <P>Most of Coach Snyder's first recruits haveDqSSt4$A"V9 hO.(&;g5]di\9J(.SҬV$,~Wi֮t:J )aD4z3JX]A:g{(A2{9~Fdq 쾚v}Y4t" R U)'jcdx=pf5>~IT RhT)]iMgIx䧦5c:z=$ԱfױFK4Ls#;q*M/]WrI#$>g}[I㤜TolgtX[ӊGԷRGjeV [B 3tCU4{i_XEyZ[ԌZnDbmJdD9.