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|}x7,@ show called  Flipped aired, trying to send a message to athletes to not take steroids. But at the end, the featured athlete said,  I won t do steroids even though it will be ten times harder. The show s message then became the opposite of the show s intent. The steroid myth was perpetuated.<br>A great strength coach can create a positive intensity. When you are surrounded by teammates in the school weight room who have a common goal, you can make greater gains than by working by yourself in a gym, even if you have a personal trainer. Same thing on the practice field or during the game: your teammates and you can create an incredibly intense atmosphere. <br>Those athletes who are persistent and consistent without steroids and do the secret will soon surpass the steroid user as measured by athletic performance. One final thought on consistency: many people don t even train when they are on the juice. <br><br>4. Uncontrolled Aggressiveness is BAD!<br><br>Many people on steroids enjoy physical confrontations. I would suppose gang memberasss67hinking he could win a criteria tiebreaker if he let Rinke score to make it 4-4. A year later Mark realized had he given that point away, he would have lost. Mark claims,  God taught me it's the little things that we do with no expectation of reward that shows who we are and