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Coach Stucky and his staff of three full-time assistants and three graduate assistants plus volunteers train over 400 athletes in all of the Tennessee men's sports.<br> We don't do anything too fancy, said Coach Stucky.  We mostly Squat and Pull. We spend most of our time on the platform. <br>Darwin believes that to be successful you must have preparation, dedication and execution.  Stay with it, he says,  and execute your plan. <br>Darwin practices what he preaches. He will graduate in December in civil engineering.  Can you miss class in that major, I asked?<br> No! No! No way, shouted Darwin.  You can never miss class in engineering. It's a 40-hour job. With track, football and school, sometimes I don't know whether I'm comin' or goin' but I don't like laying around. I'm more focused when I'm busy and weights are a big stress reliever. <br> If the opportunity to play pro football comes, I'll take it, thought Darwin.  Then after, I'll use the money to invest in my own engineering firm. My parents are general contractors. That's my background. I want to build and construct. <br>Darwin sat out in 1996 because of his transfer from NC State but in 1997 he started in 13 games. Last year, Darwin again started in all 13 games and had a great bowl game. Coach Brooks, Darwin's position coach, says,  Darwin has great ability plus a consistency we can count on to help us every Saturday. <br>In addition to football, Darwin earned a trip to the NCAA indoor championships with second-place in the Shot Put (61-2). He also placed 10th in the 1998 NCAA outdoor meet.<br>Darwin is fun to be around. For the photo shoot, he was Benching 500 pounds for reps. His voice challenged,  Watch this. I'm gonna blow this baby up. Boom! It did go boom. I laughed and took the shot.<br>Darwin never took a drug or had one beer in high school.  My dad would have killed me, he explained.  Same with my mom. They love me completely but they made sure I was disciplined. My parents have never missed anything I've been involved in. They have made every game. It's a good feeling.<br> I have also never smoked or chewed. As far as steroids, I don't even know what they look like. I took creatine for awhile but Coach Stucky got me off it because what he felt I really needed to do was to get more agile and more flexible. <br>Darwin tries to keep life in it's proper perspective.  Put God first in everything you do, he said.  I have a list of ten goals at home. At the top of the list is to put God first. I try to pray every night and in the morning. Sometimes I miss, but I try to live up to my mother's example. <br>Now it is our turn to continue this chain of wonderful examples. Darwin is doing it all. He is making the most of his athletics and education while keeping his spiritual values intact. Darwin is living the National African American Creed and taking full advantage of the freedoms fought and died for by Martin Luther King, Jr. and other great Americans. He eats, lives and breathes Coach Stucky's motto: Discipline, work ethic and accountability. We thank them both for allowing us to feature their beliefs and values. Darwin is an eleven!d bHhw/=yoff run, the Indians have started testing again. As Angell prepares his kids for another year of the BFS program, he cannot help