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After three months of rehabilitation, Duncan was asked by a senior to train in Bob s basement. Duncan started a watered-down BFS Program along with continuing his physical therapy, but time was running out. Only nine months remained before his senior season of football.  I knew it was a good thing to be invited, remembered Duncan.  I had two other teammates as training partners. We trained consistently. <br> I started slowly: first with light box squats and door squats. For the Hex Bar lift and the power clean, I used only the bar plus the five-pound training plates. I did this for one month. One day I told my partners to take the weight down to 135 on a box squat. There was a mix-up, and the weight was actually 225 pounds. I did 10 reps easy. I was shocked when I found out the true weight, but it gave me a lot of confidence.<br> From then on I progressed quickly. I started to do parallel squats, and then the power clean with 135 pounds. I kept on breaking records. Coach Rowbotham was awesome. The best thing was his patience. He just kept teaching the basics. As we got closer to the season, my knee was feeling strong and my confidence kept building. That meant a lot to me, because I remember the doctor saying that it would take six months just to return to normal. There were a lot of people who doubted that I could even play football again. <br>Duncan not only showed up for football practice the first day but also quickly became, for the first time, a starter for the Skyline Eagles. At the end of the season, Duncan was one of the leaders on the team that finished second in the state (within its classification of biggest schools). Duncan was First Team All-Conference and a Second Team All-State running back.<br> I made good strength gains during the season, added Duncan.  The week before our state championship game I got a new two-rep max on the clean at 280 pounds. Everything that happened was a pleasant surprise. Duncan s totals at the end of the football season included a 295 bench press, 415 parallel squat, 300 power clean, a 405 Hex Bar lift and a 4.62 forty. As a sophomore, Duncan s time had been 4.95. Needless to say, Duncan overcame his knee injury and a whole lot more. <br> Your confidence is everything, advises Duncan.  Get that going and your body will follow. As you break records and you get stronger, your confidence increases. Without the BFS Program and Coach Rowbotham, I would not have been as successful. Plus, training alongside all the guys in Bob s basement, we all became best friends. <br>Duncan has developed into a true Eleven. On a scale of one to ten, Isaak is an Eleven. He maintains a 3.65 GPA. He has never gone near a drug. Duncan can look you square in the eye and tell you that he has never had even one beer; and as for tobacco, never. He s planning to play college football somewhere next fall, and because of his injury experience, he s looking into a career in sports psychology or physical therapy. And maybe, just maybe, someday Duncan will continue Coach Rowbotham s tradition by t