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The man is passionate about his program and his players. He and his wife Raissa coach together and share this passion. They make a wonderfully unique team. Coach Cecchini is adamant about setting off-season and in-season goals. He records everything. His goals include a variety of strength goals with a Dot Drill and 60-yard dash goal. The goals set for the 2000 baseball season were indeed ambitious but the Barbe High School team had already achieved their off-season goals by mid-January and then some. <br>For example, their varsity player team goal was to get their 60-yard dash to under 7.0 seconds. By January, the average time was 6.8 seconds. The freshman goal was to get times in under 7.5 seconds. No problem . . . 7.2 seconds. All team members complete the BFS Dot Drill in under 55 seconds with most in the mid 40-second range. The first time they did this drill, no player could do it under 55 seconds. <br>Coach Cecchini times his players quite frequently in the 60-yard dash. The times of the players reflect an average of ten trials taken on different days. So the times are very accurate. Position players improved, on average .30 seconds in the 60-yard dash in just four months. The Barbe players experienced a 43% increase on the Hex Bar Lift for an average lift of 426 pounds, a 26% increase on the Power Clean, a 36% improvement on the Parallel Squat, a 45% increase with the Box Squat, a 31% rise in their Bench Press and a 35% increase in the Towel Bench. All in just four months on the BFS Program! Seven players Towel Bench Press at least 300 pounds. The average varsity starter does 304 pounds. Six freshmen had an increase of 75% for an average of 219 pounds. The prior experience of these freshmen was none before beginning the BFS Program. It should be noted that Coach Cecchini s pitchers do not Bench Press to the chest but do the Towel Bench twice per week.<br>Coach Cecchini also has another excellent program feature. He has all the players sign a contract and the coaches in turn sign a `(%?EtT^r&L2#.9=?\26FiJT?=WsP~[9|dW?+qS&QQq!~qL[2K; [(3SddCR/ۢ:Wڃ11v"h~%5K1(?sTpi#D_!3<$Qn-m"TM %1^ ?䌉ZjZ t1XUO@:Q7LZc{ SQ(@,Hx% 1yxYDvAubhwlEZ8Cb}_$ ZWiJȉfg=3W?qqս2x/jKj ℅U.TP)ZI"gnwXo#n7B+3LuZ~O4->T׊L;r'O_GG)95~YZY *(0\?ֵq1EװȜgs$|ggKSdP7"H|0a8oQ5q;xx\5x^2WĎ۟lw1\G .P9N,#O#z ~x_j`)uۀIE=>hXYrq?9'þ@,o")P YQQO?hx' u{n(kט_@v@æf)deJl!0?oaҤIN{Üc]8'Gxzf+g"L Wmix_l05{/7d#Ԉ쮇+|fCQ,IQI8ڭ8qm*49 Y$]UvOgz:ePmJ3țTr㴍F]~nx+|h]