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We are role models, and that s the most important thing a player has to understand. As soon as we test and the game is clean, the better it will be for everybody. <br> I would like to see testing, said Braves outfielder Gary Sheffield.  I mean you see how much guys are using it. Unless you ve got something to hide, you won t mind testing, right? <br>Kansas City Royals outfielder Mike Sweeney believes leaguewide testing might be the only way to settle the question.  If you re a player that is clean and other players are out there who are not clean, it gives the other players an unfair advantage, said Sweeney. He wants to create a level playing field.<br>I have always disagreed with calling steroids performance enhancing drugs. When you do, everyone automatically assumes steroids give a big advantage. To the contrary, steroids don t work in the long term. If I wanted to be a pennant contender year after year, I would insist that my players not go near steroids. Then we would have the advantage. In August of 2002, major league players voted to accept testing for steroids. This is further evidence that Caminiti and Canseco were wrong in their estimations of the number of players on steroids. The players are to be congratulated on their testing decision. <br>Benji Gill of the Angels said that he had faced the pressure to take steroids at the end of the 1999 season (44 percent of players acknowledge there is some pressure to take steroids to compete in the majors).  I talked to people (two doctors and a trainer) about steroids. They told me that it wasn t worth the risk. To be honest, I ve never witnessed anyone doing it, so I would never go and ask someone if they were using steroids. I just figured it wasn t worth it. At the time, I was married and hadn t started a family. The doctors said they didn t know if any problems might be passed on to my children. <br>Yankee outfielder Shane Spencer offers this perspective:  I think,  Do I want to be crippled when I am done with baseball? I make good money now. I don t need to risk my health to make more. <br>Brook Fordyce, Orioles catcher, tries to put himself in the shoes of a 19-year-old,  If everyone else is doing it, I might have to do it. If high school kids start doing it, they might be on it for a long time. Hopefully these kids are smart enough to realize they re putting poison in their bodies and giving themselves a chance to get real sick. <br>The National Institute on Drug Abuse advises that steroids interfere with normal hormone production, causing a kind of drug-induced sex change---men can become feminized, with shrunken testicles and growth of breasts, while women might grow body hair and develop lower voices. Both genders can experience male-pattern baldness and acne. Some studies suggest high doses of steroids also can affect personality, leading to what the institute calls  homicidal rage and delusion. <b.+C hIG