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Coach Johnston replied,  You have to do a lot better job selling your players on your program, they have got to believe in your program to do it properly.<br> Because of Free Agency and Collective Bargaining you see a lot of new players each year. In college you have the players four to five years. The age difference is also a factor. An 18-year old is not the same as a 25-year old.<br> I m going to train multi-joint movement lifts and explosive lifts. Most of this type training is done with free weights. Some people may question the safety factor of my philosophy, but to me there is a certain risk when you train to win and to be a thoroughbred. It s my job to teach the players perfect technique and to train smart.<br> I want to come across as someone who wants them to perform at their highest level. If a player sees that you always want what s best, they will respond. I try to serve the players and do the little things that make a difference.<br> We also do plyometrics. We have Plyo Boxes and Plyo Hurdles. We do a number of variations of ground plyos. We teach sprint techniques and have speed and speed endurance days. I really like over-speed training which is done especially in the off-season. We do some parachute training but I like over-speed training a little better. We have a number of devices for over-speed training; some very expensive and some very economical.<br> Another thing I like is sled work. Dragging the sled and doing sled lunges with a sled harness can be great. I don t look at sled work as speed tools but I use them to develop functional strength. <br>The Packers incorporate martial arts training for flexibility, joint mobility and range of motion. They do this two to three times per week in the off-season.  We stretch our players for five minutes before practice,  said Coach Johnston,  but before that we do a lot of functional warm-ups like high knees, waking lunges, butt kicks, etc. We also do the BFS Dot Drill on a regular basis in the off-season. <br>The Packers do Power Pulls which is a Power Clean movement in addition to Dumbbell Cleans and Dumbbell Cleans and Presses. Overhead Squats are done with a snatch grip for balance, along with a ton of medicine ball work.<br>At Green Bay, if you miss a scheduled workout, you are fined.  We haven t had anyone miss for two years, Coach Johnston recollected.  In that instance, Coach Holmgren really let that player have it at practice. Coach Holmgren is a super person to work for. If any player didn t commit to weights, Reggie and Brett would take care of them anyway. <br>I marveled at the similarity between the Green Bay and BFS Strength and Conditioning programs. I shrugged,  Well Ken, we re either on the Green Bay program or you re on the BFS program. We both laughed. Coach Johnston remarked,  Bigger Faster Stronger has a great deal going for them, especially for the high school coach. <br>Coach Johnston believes in Box Squats and Partial Benches. These two lifts form the backbone of the BFS program. They make everything hum along like a beautiful song. They create a huge advantage during the season especially at the high school level. They create a nice advantage during the off-season with speed and jump drills. They help the athlete avoid plateaus in all lifts but especially with the Parallel Squat and Bench Press.<br>Since many weight rooms do not have a Power Rack, we at BFS evolved to the Towel or Padded Bench Press instead of Partials. I learned the Box Squat and Partial Bench Press secret in Los Angeles in the late 1960 s. Louis Simmons, now from Columbus, Ohio, learned the same secret from the same source. Hence, he calls his gym,  The West Side Barbell Club. At a glance around the Green Bay weight room, I could immediately tell that Simmons had quite an influence