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You go full tilt. I achieved this level because of my work ethic and dedication. I like to work hard and give 110 percent in everything, whether it be football or academics. All of it is the same to me. I strive to become the best at everything. After sitting out for my first two years at Tech, I became frustrated and took aggression out in the weight room by working hard to get to this level. Going in the weight room each day and lifting was a natural activity to me. <br>Jim s lifts improved this year to a 350 Bench, a 500 Squat, a 405 Hang Clean and a 331 Push Jerk. He has never missed a workout and the only practice that he has ever missed was due to food poisoning last August when he lost 10 pounds.  I don t like missing things, said Jim.  I try to trun my assignments in early. This attention to detail has resulted in a 3.0 GPA as he works toward a Masters Degree in Counseling Education. Jim also has a relentless method of preparing for a football game.  It starts on Monday morning at 7 a.m., watching film. Each day, Monday through Friday, we have meetings at 2 p.m. After practice, usually for about 30 minutes, I sit down with the coaches and discuss game plans and watch film. Depending on how comfortable I feel about the opponent, I watch film on Wednesday nights from about midnight to 2 a.m. This gives me a chance to focus on the opponent without having distractions. Throughout the week, I use mental imagery to focus on how I would react to an unusual situation or make the big ply to win the game. I am a player who likes to practice and be prepared for each game. Game day is no different from any other day during the week. I just think of it as another practice. <br>Jim believes that negatives like drugs and alcohol is stuff that gets in your way.  It holds you back. I advise people to be their own person. You are responsible for yourself. If you listen to other people on negatives, you won t go far. <br>The weightroom is a place where Jim develops and demonstrates leadership. He states,  A quarterback needs to be in the weightroom more that anyone else. Everybody says it is freaky for a quarterback to be in the weightroom like I am but I know every opponent wants to beat me up. I have to thank Mike Gentry. He is the number one strength coach in the country. Wherever I go I would want Coach Gentry to be there. He is the heart and soul or our program. Coach Gentry is almost a God in my book. Maybe I shouldn t say it like that, but I respect him at the highest level. <br>We at BFS thank both Mike Gentry and Jim Druckenmiller for this article. They are both Upper Limit people of the highest order.<br>Virginia Tech Strength Program<br>Under the direction of Mike Gentry, the strength and conditioning program has become a major part of the success of Virginia Tech Football, Resulting in three consecutive bowl appearances.  We have a team dedicated to training hard and striving for excellence, said Gentry, now in his 10th year. The younger student-athletes see the uppercleassmen s intensity and it makes everyone want to train to be one s best<br> Our program is designed to help our players build overall strength and endurance, while helping them develop self-discipline and realize their potential. We have a comprehensive program utilizing strength/power train