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"We get recognition, but I think we deserve a lot more. People are just now getting used to the idea of women as real athletes. <br><br>Another thing they have to remember is that women athletes are usually around for a long time!" she says, referring to the statistical evidence that women track athletes don't reach their peak until age 28 and the <br>empirical evidence that women distance runners compete well into their 30s and 40s. "Next year should be my peak," says Chryste, who is 27. "I'm not saying that I want to compete forever, but the next Olympics are right around the corner. Could you resist the opportunity?"earlier injuries.&nbsp; The team who wanted it the most and who had prepared the best and the hardest during the year would walk away with the trophy and title of state champions.&nbsp; There was never any doubt that we wanted to do everything in our power to win.&nbsp; We believe that first you must win in the weight room.&nbsp; When we had Dr. Greg Shepard to Alaska to speak to our players, he asked us if we wanted to win.&nbsp; The question is a touchy one.&nbsp; We had lost the last two state championships each by 5 points.&nbsp; By the weight room door is a sign--#11.&nbsp; Dr. Shepard asked the team on a scale of one to ten, how hard do you think you havaDhA].3sZ|_;n61kG PK梽Ɓh#gZxOBG.qCZp["hMLWװeQ^+;ccڲtv͟j*ZrciФ+& I-&R0y@ޢm61W>6c?:f8} g0kHJjzמjR|||ۼQ!Is# C^_Lnπf' SY7l4(gyt>Zغ2+%.N߅pڽ+K hӍ*\sv9-kj?i\8H`Qh