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You have eight or so months to prepare and you are going to prepare everyday at an eleven rate. <br><br>ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES<br><br>There will be mistakes and problems with athletes during this eight-month period. There are definite rules on how to handle these situations with the most powerful motivational tool that has been presented. It is critical to remain focused on the goal while remaining positive.<br>HANDLING MISTAKES: When an athlete makes a mistake or does not fulfill his/her commitment to being an eleven, you cannot say,  Listen, you little twink. You better shape up or else. I m sick and tired of you screwing up. Don t react to a situation--Act. Act with a preplanned strategy. For example, my favorite to acknowledge an error in judgement is to say,  I thought you said that you wanted to be an eleven? Then pause.  What would an eleven do? Pause.  We need you with us. Can I count on you from now on? <br><br>This strategy corrects the situation with a positive resolve with the athlete to do better. Normally, athletes react with a lot of self guilt. No need to rub it in. Always leave the encounter showing that you care. A firm handshake and a smile is an eleven way to do it. <br><br>HANDLING CONTINUAL PROBLEMS: This can be a team decision made at the same time as the goal. Just ask the team,  What if someone just won t be an eleven and is constantly making bad decisions. What if someone just doesn t care to give what it takes? As they are thinking about these questions, then ask,  Do you want me to handle them or do you want to try to handle them first? Usually, they will want to handle them. This strategy can develop strong leadership and even greater commitment.<br><br>I would recommend you have captains or senior leaders. Communicate on a regular basis. Ask,  How are we doing? Do you need any help? Always relate the positive things you see going on. <br><br>USE EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION: This will enhance and fortify the goal and the three steps. Always give praise. Say things like,  You know what you are? On a scale of one to ten, you are an eleven; or that was an eleven thing to do. The BFS Set-Rep System is a phenomenal way to use extrinsic motivation. First, all athletes break at least eight personal records per week. This is great by itself but you can also give awards for all kinds of things: most records broken, biggest gains, most improved, etc. Use t-shirts, caps or other things the kids can earn. However, as this is done, always refer back to the main goal. For example, say,  Because of your hard work, we are closer to our goal. Here is a shirt to represent what you have given to that goal and our team. d/or family in their future, not sports. Like Dana, many come without the testosterone-driven aspiration to be the best and beat out all competition at all cost. As with Dana, developing talent takes patience, a virtue that is becoming increasingly valuable in coaching women athletes.<br>Coach Ziraldo and Dana s story are about real people--not the superstar athletes that will go on to set Olympic records, but the people who still experience athletic events the way they were meant to be--as a source of personal accomplishment; as a strength and conditioning program for the mind and body; and as an exhilarating and fun pastime that includes teammates and camaraderie.<br>On the coaching level it s a reminder that every athlete can benefit from a coach s skills and influence. So