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Not only does he give inspirational talks but the way he lives his life is an inspiration. I can t imagine all of the time and thought he puts into his talks before football games. His inspiration is not the rah rah inspiration but is the kind that sticks with you and will drive you throughout the game. There is no way I could ever thank this man enough for all he has given to me in emotional and physical strength as well as inspiration for life. <br>Coach Unterseher has a lot of admirable traits worth emulating. Some of these characteristics are outlined in this quote from one of his former students and current strength coach Jackson L. Coots.  Coach Unterseher has the unique ability of finding the positive aspects of a person or an athlete instead of focusing on their limitations and the negative aspects. He combines his enthusiasm, knowledge and faith to not only teach students, athletes and the general public how weight training and exercise can improve their health but also teaches important values such as dedication, commitment, faith and hard work. <br>Continuing on Coach Unterseher's character former student, Andrea Thorton, says,  He is a man who can help you with anything. If you are not in the mood for lifting he makes you in the mood. His words were and continue to be an inspiration to me and many other people. I know that if it were not for Coach I would not be where I am today. He is one of the most inspirational people in the world. With out him I would not have gotten my track/field scholarship to WSU and I thank him greatly for it. <br><br>_____________<br><br> The strength of our team has always been the strength of our players and this is directly attributed to Coach  U . <br> <br> Matt Hinkle<br> Head Football Coach, <br> Shelton High School <br><br>________________<br> Coach  U has helped a broad scope of students at Shelton High School in every facet of their life. His dedication to people and his profession is unequaled. <br> <br> Bill Hicks<br> Athletic Director, SHS<br><br>__w٢e//)HO*OsX0NGztZM&}GTl$c:Qj0sܒh^u.πEZVW7js;% VG++Cqx^ gO^ {Jy&@>A~}`9JPW]2#)0+> jjrQufr,ɔq$V1mbz|YA$ܜkF $"$^qV3iaŏ WC;ZNܕRs_ۙH*^Agqk~yʼ߬#UYj9-/crdgq&$ꍥ~Gْf_'ڜ;h֙U r EzAsyoMSV9+6@ՃQWE7wS+R FB*zK tZ4.p9k기pQ%+v}0)߯cOx a*7\mpU)dJZn,5J8. 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