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We also use a Narrow Grip Bench Press, Dumbbell Triceps behind the head, Dips, if their shoulders can take it, and Tricep Pushdowns.<br>All of our In-Season workouts take between 20-30 minutes. Troy Aikman can do it in 15 minutes. I have noticed that guys at this level bust their butt. The game is more precise which makes it more physical. It is a violent game to be sure. I am just amazed about how many of our guys just plain love the game.<br> If they do not get their four workouts in and it is due to laziness, they get fined. But, even if a guy is hurt, I work closely with the trainers to find an alternative. I always try to develop a positive relationship with the trainers. You just have to work together. If you don't, the players lose.<br>I am in charge of conditioning like sprinting eight 40's. I also stretch them and do basic speed drills. During the off-season, we do the BFS Dot Drill. I remember one player saying that he did that drill in high school. We also do Plyometrics and Box Jumps.<br>During the season, I want the guys to be consistent. We want them focused with perfect technique. We also want patience. Greatness does not happen overnight.<br> I love Daryl Johnston our starting fullback. No one works harder with more intensity. I call him,  The Last Man Standing. If 52 guys were on the field in all out war, Daryl would be the last man standing. He had a fusion on his 6-7 cervical. Everybody but Daryl and myself said it was a career ending injury but he made his comeback happen.<br>No one is more intense than Michael Irvin. Sometimes he makes poor choices off the field but he really takes his conditioning seriously. Those that know him, the players and the coaches, would not refute that.<br>People ask me if we ever go for maxes. Yes we do. We go for a one-rep-max on the Bench. Our guys like it better than our 3 or 5 rep max. I watch them carefully. Over my career, I have had very few injuries. I prepare my players. We have a big testing period for four days in June. The top player at each position gets $1,500.00.<br>The top three performers overall on our point system get an additional $2,000, $1,800 and <br>$1,600.00 for their award. The point system is based on attendance, leadership and our evaluation.<br>We also have an award for the most improved player, the best free agent and the best rehab player. All the money that is awarded goes against our salary cap. There is a big time pride factor that goes on. A lot of times, the veterans who win will give it to others.<br>It is amazing to see grown men yelling and screaming like high school kids. When Larry Allen Benched 600 pounds, everyone went crazy. <br>Dexter Coakley, who is 5-10, 250 pounds from Appalachian State, made the All-Rookie team but he wanted more size. In one year, Dexter improved his forty time from 4.35 down to 4.28 while increasing his body weight by 15 pounds. His bo