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Anthony Parrish had 1,067 yards on 96 carries (11.1 ypc). Cole Adam shipped in with 821 yards on 82 carries (10.0 ypc). The team broke the school s single-game offensive yards record of 453 yards twice in the season. First Swett posted 457 yards, and then the team rushed for 577 against Walnut Creek s Berean Christian. In all, the team finished with a Swett record of 3,650 total rushing yards.<br>Even with his team s offensive and defensive dominance this season, it was something that BFS contributed and did not show in the box score that amazes Angell.  We went through 12 games this year and we did not have one [muscle] pull, Angell said.  You have 25 to 30 kids out on the field and not to have one get a pull all season, that is amazing. <br>Now, a little less than three months after their incredible playoff run, the Indians have started testing again. As Angell prepares his kids for another year of the BFS program, he cannot help but reflect on how he got involved in the program.<br> They started sending us the magazines here at the school, said Angell of Bigger Fast Stronger.  We felt we needed to get a program that would help us get better on the football field. We were 2-8 for the past two years. As we were going along, we thought,  We have to get something that will help us compete in this league.  <br>Little did the coach know the program would eventually help transform his team into a league powerhouse. It s happened to hundreds of teams across the country that use BFS, and this time it was the Indians turn. All it took was an Angell and some serious Swett.<br><br>Brian Cornelius is the sports editor for GetLocaNews.com.ve known Coach Bobby Poss for almost 20 years. We featured his first (1984) State Championship on the cover of our BFS Journal. I have been so impressed with Coach Poss not only as a coach but as an outstanding person and family man that I wanted him to be a BFS clinician. This last summer Coach Poss was our guest at our BFS Clinicians Convention. Coach Poss will be doing his first BFS Clinics as a clinician in the winter of 2001. Coach Poss, you are an Eleven!<br><br> Dr. Greg Shepard<br> BFS Presideshould be the highest? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) First box b) Second box c) Third bx d) Fourth box arked - Correct e) None - all boxes should be the same height ID = 95 | What must happenbefore progressing to heavier weightsin the BFS Readiness Program? *Overall answer Correct* a) You must be ale to complete your two sets of 5 or 10 reps b) You must be able to do each rep of each set with perfect technique c) You must be able to identify the primary muscles used in the exercise d) All of theabove e) Only A and B marked - Correct ID = 91 | oungsters who compete in Olympic-style weightlifting competitions have higher bone densities than children who do not lift weights: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* ) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 151 | What is the best advice in regards t breathing while stretching? Overall answer wrong a) Don t hold your breath. Instead, breathe normally, trying to ease deeper into a stretch during each exhale. marked - Not Correct b) Hold your breath when stretching large muscle groups but breathe normally when stretching smaller muscle groups. marked - Correct c) Slowly exhale as you stretch. When you have to take a breath, return to the start. not marked - Not Correct ID = 83 | According to a research study published in <i>Medicine and Science in Sports</i>, how long could a subject retain strength if he/she reduced volume by two thirds but kept intensity high? Select one: Overall answer wrong a) 3 weeks not marked - Not Correct b) 5 weeks marked - Correct c) 15 weeks marked - Not Correct ID = 99 | The eyes should always be looking at the ceiling during the squat: True or false? Overall answer wrong a) True not marked - Not Correct b) Flse marked - Not Correct ID = 74 | Two benefits Coach Bob Giesey gave for encouraging elementary-school-age athletes to get involved in a weight training program ere that it develops competitive spirit through physical drills and builds teamwork: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 131 | Proper selection of auxiliary lifts is based on choosing those that will help you win or prevent specific injuries: Tue or false? Overall answer wrong a) True marked - Not Correct b) False not marked - Not Correct ID = 102 | Not having the knees aligned in the squat often places harmful stress on whic ligament of the knee? *Overall answer Correct* a) Lateral collateral ligament b) Elevator spatula ligament c) Anterior collateral ligament d) Medial collateral ligament marked - Correct ID = 125 | What muscles does a close grip emphasize in a bench press? *Overall answer Correct* a) Anterior Biloid b) Superior Biloid c) Interior Biloid d) Triceps marked - Correct e) A and D ID = 161 | What percentage of Americans eat at least three servings of vegetables a dy? Overal answer wrong a) 3 percent marked - Not Correct b) 5 percent marked - Correct c) 15 percent marked - Correct d) 20 percent not marked - Not Correct e) 40 percent marked - Correct ID = 75 | One reason a college mght find a unification program of value is that the BFS program is easy for coaches to implement, which is especially important for small colleges th