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Either move the fences back another 50 feet or get used to football-like scores.&nbsp;</P> <P>Baseball players should also do quick foot drills, stretch for speed and jumping power, sprint train and plyometric train. We also do not want to overtrain in the weight room. The maximum time in the weight room should be 45 to 75 minutes three times per week in the off-season and two 30-45 minute workouts twice per week during the season.&nbsp;</P> <P>The How-To-Do-It part of the "secret" is even more important than the what partof the "secret". The correct and perfect technique of any phase of strength and conditioning is critical to success. There are special things to know and look for when stealing a base. The same is true for a Power Clean, Squat or stretching. You don't just tell a kid to steal a base or Squat without detailed coaching.&nbsp;</P> <P>Look at Lenny Dykstra. The above photo apeared on the front cover of Inside Sport Magazine and the front page of USA TODAY. Lenny knows <U>WHAT</U> to do and that is to stretch but he is turned the wrong way. Lenny Dykstra of the Philadelphia Phillies did not know <U>HOW</U> to do this Lower Back-Glute Stretch exercise. Tolearn exactly how to do each phase of baseball training, you should consider getting my two-hour video, book or have a clinic.&nbsp;</P> <P>The third part of the "secret" is to <U>Implement</U> correctly. At the high school level, possibly over half of the baseball players will play more than one sport. Things work much better if all coaches at a particular school are on the same page. Only about one percent of our nation's high schools are on a true unified strength and conditioning system. We need to be if an athlete is ever going to reach his potential.&nbsp;</P> <P>The football coach says one thing, the basketball coach something else and the baseball coach yet another. The average high school, for example, has seven different flexibility programs or philosophies floating around the high school. No wonder kids are confused.&nbsp;</P> <P>What is the best way to get an athlete to run faster? We don't care if he's running for a touchdown, executing a fast break or stealing a base. Whatever gets us from point "A" to point "B" the fastest is what we all should be doing! Whatever gets us to jump the highest in the quickest and most explosive way is what we all should be doing!&nbsp;</P> <P>If I were a baseball coach, I would do Power Cleans, Squats and everything else as described. I would hope and pray that the football, basketball and wrestling coaches would be on the exact same page. I don't want aDhA].3sZ|_;n61kG PK梽Ɓh#gZxOBG.qCZp["hMLWװeQ^+;ccڲtv͟j*ZrciФ+& I-&R0y@ޢm61W>6c?:f8} g0kHJjzמjR|||ۼQ!Is# C^_Lnπf' SY7l4(gyt>Zغ2+%.N߅pڽ+K hӍ*\sv9-kj?i\8H`Qh5I hadN=S-GGkzc=P𮅼Sm$W,S)W*ιe\hͺMݲnK=WӘ_撳6- 7E"3