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Ű D Eaxp_'·h /B<5@-;('xEalp4=8g('ӿ·h # i[PO#CӇW7o YyE¨@AiG~(΁m'mʑ^ma$tnvgzBjouVys2~cI @71-̜*_,e㊚#WEvQn3XzfQH@ACܖ)+UWw6'c!l{Sݥ՟E{cG ^+v ( ( ( ( ( ( ( <P>For recreation, Ashley prefers outdoor activities, especially those involving family and friends.&nbsp; Like all teenagers, she must deal with peer pressure involving training rules, drinking, and other bodily abuse.&nbsp; Since most know of her stand, she gets a lot of kidding about her lifestyle.&nbsp; Those who know her best are confident she handles this challenge well.&nbsp; Track coach David Morton is a believer in weight training, specifically the squats and the explosive lifts.&nbsp; He uses Ashley as a model for other athletes and parents to advertise the benefits of this type of training.&nbsp; When I asked Coach Morton regarding&nbsp;his views of overhead lifts for runners, his reply was that the most explosive lifts are the most beneficial, and they all go overhead so we love them!</P> <P align=center><STRONG>BISHOP McGUINNESS HIGH SCHOOL,<BR>OKLAHOMA CITY, OK</STRONG></P> <P align=center><STRONG><U>ASHLEY BOOTHE STATISTICS</U></STRONG></P> <P align=center><STRONG>Personal<BR>* </STRONG>5'6" / 134 lbs<BR>* 3.8 G.P.A.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>Rank in class - 27/140<BR>(Bishop McGuinness averages<BR>10 merit scholars each year)</P> <P align=center><STRONG>Performance <BR>Accomplishments By Year<BR></STRONG>Note: Bishop McGuinness<BR>competes in Class 4A. <BR>(5A being highest)</P> <P align=center><STRONG>9TH GRADE</STRONG><BR><U>Cross Country</U><BR>* State Runner-Up (12:24)<BR>*Cross Country Team won <BR>the State Championship.</P> <P align=center><U>Track</U><BR>*State Champion 1600 M Run (5:17)<BR>*State Champion 3200 M Run (11:40)<BR>*State Champion 3200 M Relay<BR>*Greater Southwest Invitational <BR>1500 Meter Run</P> <P align=center><U>Lifting</U><BR>*Power Clean - 100lbs<BR>*Squat - 150 lbs</P> <P align=center><STRONG>10TH GRADE</STRONG><BR><U>Cross Country<BR></U>*State Champion (12:18)<BR>*Cross Country Team won the<BR>State Championship<BR>*Course Records set at:<BR>Oklahoma State University<BR>2 miles - 11:29<BR>*Razorback Golf Course<BR>2 miles - 11:01<BR>*"Oklahoma vs. Arkansas" - All<BR>Star Dual Meet Champion</P> <P align=center><U>Track</U><BR>*State Champion 1600 M Run (5:18)<BR>*State Runner-Up 3200 M Relay<BR>*Greater Southwest Invitational<BR>1500 M Run- 6th (4:51)</P> <P align=center><U>Lifting</U><BR>*Power Clean - 120 lbs<BR>*Squat - 200 lbs</P> <P align=center><STRONG>11TH GRADE<BR></STRONG>Ashley missed 6 weeks of training <BR>the middle part of the season with<BR>an injury.</P> <P align=center><U>Cross Country</U><BR>*State Champion (11:27)<BR>*Oklahoma/Arkansas/Kansas<BR>All Star Meet - 4th place<BR>*International Cross Country Meet<BR>(London, Enland)<BR>3200 M Run - 2nd<BR>10 Kilometers - 6th</P> <P align=center><U>Lifting</U><BR>*Power Clean - 145 lbs.<BR>*Squat - 225 lbs.<BR></P> <P align=left>&nbsp;</P> <P align=center><U></U>&nbsp;</P>into the football program, Coach Gentry has designed a program that gets his players ready for some serious lifting. One of Gentry s first priorities with freshmen is cleaning up their lifting technique, especially with squats, and introducing them to speed-strength training with an emphasis on the Olympic lifts. For example, Gentry says he ll start their off-season training with the hang clean and the push press, then progress through the year to the power clean and the push jerk. He also emphasizes agility training, being especially big on the BFS dot drill, as well as flexibility work.<br>During the off-season, the players spend only three days a week in the weightroom for about 90 minutes. That s it.  We believe that