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He was very disappointed, but did not give up. I was relieved, however, because I still questioned his ability to handle the varsity contact.<br>The third football game came, and the head coach decided that it might be good if the senior quarterback was moved to running back for a few plays. The coach decided to give Conrad one offensive series at the beginning of the game. Well, in five plays, we scored with Conrad running in the touchdown on an option play  his first varsity touchdown. Needless to say, the coach left Conrad in as quarterback the rest of the game. That night he passed for 220 yards and earned the starting varsity quarterback job. That season, Conrad passed for 780 yards and ended up seventh in all of Southeast Missouri in passing. <br>At every game, the other team saw the  Freshman Quarterback and was determined to  take him out. He took a lot of real hard hits, but he always bounced back up. He really could handle the contact well.<br>Conrad turned an ankle in basketball and rehabilitated. He returned and hurt his ankle again. The doctor said that he could not play anymore basketball that year, so he started throwing and running every day after school.<br>After football, Conrad unfortunately sustained an ankle injury and was prohibited by the doctor to continue the basketball season. Determined not to let that set him back he continued hard with his training and when track started Conrad was the fastest boy in the entire school. He was running the 110-meter high hurdles, the 300-meter intermediate hurdles, the 100-meter dash, and the 200-meter dash. I expected him to do well in the hurdles and to score a few points in the 100-meter dash. But at his first 6 meets, he got 1st in the 100-meter and was undefeated. He ended up running an 11.32 100-meter and qualifying for the state track meet in the 100-meter and in the 4x100 relay. He placed twelfth in the State in the 100-meter and was the only freshman there in sprints. For the year, Conrad led the team in points, scoring 235 points, 24 of which came from the district track meet. Competing in four events, he had fourteen 1sts, ten 2nds, six 4ths and two 5ths. <br>Conrad is an excellent athlete who is only really beginning. But besides his athleticism, he is a great student and person. His peers have elected him to be Sophomore Class President for the coming year. He has a 3.97 GPA and is ranked 2nd in a class of 117. His freshman year, he received the English Award, History Award, Spanish Award, Geometry Award, Science Award, Weightlifting Award, and Body Conditioning Award. He received the Presidential Academic Award, and he won 1st place in the Science Fair. Beside all his athletic activities, he was also active in Student Council, Spanish Club, Students Against Drunk Driving, and Beta Club. Conrad has been selected as the Outstanding Student Award and as Student of the Month. He was selected All-American Scholar, and Academic All-American. He also earned the National Science Merit Award, National English Merit Award, National Math Merit Award, and National Achievement Award and is on the All-American Honor Roll.<br>I am not saying that Conrad is perfect, but he sure is a great guy to coach. I know he will make mistakes, but I will be there for him as his coach and as his dad. Conrad is my