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T. is as tough as anyone I ve ever coached, and his attitude is phenomenal, says Van Halanger, who has trained 47 athletes who went on to the NFL and believes Wall has the mindset and physical talent to reach that level.  J. T. set strong goals for himself. One of those goals was to bench 500 pounds, and he achieved that; he wanted to get a scholarship at the University of Georgia, and he earned it; he wanted to start, and he started. J. T. does a heck of a job, and we re very proud of him. <br>Whereas Wall was a frequent ball carrier in high school and at Southwest Baptist, at Georgia his most valuable asset is his ability to block.  J. T. is used more as a blocking back, says Van Halanger.  He s going to block for our tailbacks, and at 253 pounds that s what J. T. does so well - to be able to put his body on a linebacker and knock him back. For example, J. T. was really instrumental in the games where Verron Haynes gained 197 yards against Mississippi and 200-plus yards against Georgia Tech, our biggest rival, because J. T. continued to open those holes. Wall agrees,  That s pretty much my role here, to open up the holes for our tailbacks. But when I get a carry here and there, I try to take advantage of it by making them miss or running over them. <br><br>Dreaming On<br><br>Concerning Wall s goals for next season, Van Halanger says,  I know he really wants to get his 40 bet