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On the video, Coach Scurran shows this unique spotting technique and says,  I never had an athlete who stuck with our program not be able to jump to the 32-inch box. This includes every lineman and every athlete involved in girls sports. Get this video. The benefits will be enormous.. The Warhawks continued their newfound winning ways, capturing the district championship for the first time in five years.<br>The Warhawks then advanced to the regional playoffs against Edison High School. Madison prevailed 20-14 in overtime, led by Tyier Lee s 156 yards rushing and two touchdowns. Coach Leib feels that Lee s ability to push through injuries and exhaustion he carried the ball 27 imes on offense and played outside linebacker on defense was due in no small part to his BFS conditioning.<br>The Warhawks lost the regional championship to Mt. Vernon High School the following week, but their 8-3 record and district champioship made all their hard work well worth the effort. Reflecting on the startling reversal from their preceding season s 2-8 record, Coach Leib gave the primary credit to the hard work of his players. He felt that their commitment to the BFS program, particularly the parallel squatting and box jumps, greatly increased their explosive power and speed. He is convinced that as a team they were stronger at the end of the year than at the beginning.<br>Coach Leib, who at one time in his first year of coaching at Madison had 14 players on the injured list, believes that BFS limited the number and severity of injuries his team suffered, He still marvels at the beating that his undersized, gutsy quarterback and leader, B.T. Good, endured, while continuing to play and making big plays. He attributes this, in part, to B.T. s commitment to conditioning.<br>Members of the Warhawks baseball team who were not playing football continued their summer workout schedule, including BFS, five to six days a week, two hours a day, throughout the fall. Football players Johnny Ayers, Andrew Baird, Josh Canova, Scott Findl