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|}Jx%@doing the old Jefferson Lift," remembered Oerter.&nbsp; "I used up to 450 pounds even at a young age."&nbsp;</P> <P>Oerter doesn't think that it is possible for an Upper Limit athlete to avoid injuries.&nbsp; "If you work at elevated levels," reasoned Oerter, "you must expect some injuries.&nbsp; You don't look for injuries but you must push yourself. &nbsp;That is the only way to become stronger."</P> <P>In Rome, Oerter slipped on a muddy ring in the preliminaries and ripped the cartilage loose from his rib cage.&nbsp; "That was devastating," remembered Oerter, "I couldn't sleep, eat or throw. It really hurt!"&nbsp; The doctors told him there was nothing they could do.&nbsp; But, Oerter persisted.&nbsp; So, the doctors agreed to try a method where they froze the muscle, taped it, gave him ammonia capsules and then hoped for til you KhCp/ it to national records, says Dan.  It s funny, because I was up at a track meet in