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Even as late as the 1900s, it was a commonly held belief among college presidents that hazing was a way for new students to learn respect for their school and to honor their elders. Today's hazing rituals are seen not just in colleges and high schools, but also in professional sports, the military and many occupations. It could even be argued that reality television shows such as Survivor, Boot Camp and Fear Factor include hazing activities, as contestants are required to participate in unpleasant activities to continue playing the game and be eligible to receive cash prizes.<br>In High School Hazing: When Rites Become Wrongs, author Hank Nuwer says one reason hazing continues to survive is that those who were once victims of such degrading activities convince themselves that hazing others will somehow restore their lost dignity. To believe otherwise would result in the sobering realization that what they had themselves suffered as part of their initiation was pointless and wrong. <br>Nuwer says another reason hazing endures is that hazing crimes are seldom reported, since to do so would further humiliate the victims and prevent them from joining the group. Because hazing can be an embarrassment to any educational institution, school administrators might be reluctant to reveal the details of hazing activities and might report physical harm that occurs simply as accidents. Further, when hazing is reported it is common for the accused to shift the blame to the victim by pointing out that the victim was a willing participant. However, because both the degree and type of hazing are often unpredictable, hazing laws contend that such consent is meaningless.<br>In the BFS Be An Eleven program, athletes are encouraged and shown how to make the right choices, and not to simply do things because it's what is popular. Hazing, however, may cause a person to make irrational decisions for fear of being seen as abnormal. In effect, says Nuwer, members of these groups  tend to look at themselves through the eyes of peers to judge themselves  winners or  losers.  Nuwer even speculates that this desire to fit into the group will make members of groups less likely to intervene in a crisis situation, since taking action or simply voicing an objection would be onsidered counter to the will of the group. <br>What Would an Eleven Do?<br><br>To win the war against hazing, coaches and parents must have a battle plan, and it must be implemented starting in elementary school. Nuwer provides contact information on organizations that tackle hazing, and in his book offers numerous practical suggestions for parents, coaches, school administrators, as well as the victims and potential victims of hazing. In addition to encouraging victims of hazing to seek counseling, below are a few of Nuwer s practical suggestionson how hazing can be prevented.<br>Hazing is a serious problem with potentially dangerous consequences, but if we all work together as a team, hazing does not hae to be a fact of life. You can t run faster than a speeding locomotive or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you can certainly become strong enough to stand up and say no to hazing!<br><br><br><br>Nuwer s practical suggestions on how hazing can be prevented.<br><br> Help establish welcome programs for first-year and transfer students.<br><br> Reconsider all traditions in all school groups.<br><br> Urge schools to take precautions to prevent hazing on team buses, in locker rooms and during trips.<br><br> Get involved in the prevention of gangs.<br><br> Complain to sports channels and the news media about athletic hazing.hb`6wChjYhb`6wN%hjYhb`6w LhjYhb`6w;hjYhb`6wDhjYhb`6wPGYhjYhb`6wH!JhjYhb`