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What are the things we need to do as far as balancing an athlete out, regardless of what sport they do? <br><br>BFS: Do you think a lot of strength coaches are caught up with trends, such as now with the emphasis on core training?<br>Brooks: A lot of coaches out there have gotten caught up in gimmicky stuff and truly don t know how to get an athlete strong. They seem to have lost touch with the idea that if an athlete is stronger, he or she is less likely to get injured and is going to perform better.<br><br>BFS: How would you describe your weightroom?<br>Brooks: I have to start by staying that you re not going to find a better weightroom anywhere. Equipment-wise we have exactly what we need, keeping in mind that I also had to address the student body s needs as well. That s because the philosophy of the college is that anything we have can be used by all, so we don t have an athlete s weightroom. <br><br>BFS: Can you give me some specifics?<br>Brooks: On the main floor we have eight platforms with cages and benches that allow an athlete to bench, squat, chin and perform Olympic lifting exercises. We also have machines on the upper deck, thick-handled dumbbells from 5 to 150 pounds in 2 -pound increments, four BFS mega-hex bars, and we have a couple of large crossover pieces.<br><br>BFS: Do you usually have three athletes per platform?<br>Brooks: Yes, that works out pretty well with teams. We could probably go four on a platform if necessary.<br><br>BFS: How many student-athletes can be training in your facility at one time?<br>Brooks: We could probably fit 24 people on the platforms, so we can handle a lot of teams because you re not going to find many teams much bigger than that  certainly not a basketball team.<br><br>BFS: What s the approximate square footage?<br>Brooks: About 5,300 square feet.<br><br>BFS: Are there plans to build a bigger weightroom?<br>Brooks: The room needs to be bigger to allow for more machines, platforms and other equipment. The fitness center gets a tremendous amount of use from the Williams community. We ve talked about what needs to be done, but there are a lot of projects going on in the college and the administration tends to like to do one thing at a time.<br>BFS: Do you work with the regular faculty and the student body?<br>Brooks: Certainly, and I try to be as assessable as possible. I get a lot of requests for individual programs, but sometimes I just have to tell them I m just too busy and can only give them general guidelines. But, at the same time, we also have physical education classes for the student body, from beginning to advanced, to help these individuals. <br><br>BFS: Do you work will all the varsity sports?<br>Brooks: I try, and I ve even worked with JV and club sports. Also, I take a backup role with the football and lacrosse teams as they have their own primary strength coach. In fact, they use many aspects of the BFS program.<br><br>BFS: When you first came to Williams, were the students receptive to your training methods and how do they respond to what you are doing now?<br>Brooks: Most of the comments were positive about my changes right from the get-go. The students here are scholar-athletes and as such naturally want to not just what to do, but why they are doing it. If you can justify what you are doing and why this would best for them, that goes a long way. This includes my choices in equipment purchases and weightroom design.<br><br>BFS: Are the athletes working out at the same time as the regular student body?<br>Brooks: Yes  that s probably the hardest part of my job: to coordinate any kind of lifts, especially with teams. With teams we eith