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It s such a huge commitment of time and energy to do it the way it should be done that sometimes it can burn you out. Besides that, it can be frustrating when your athletes lose interest or quit for other reasons. <br><br>BFS: So what made you get back into coaching lifters seriously?<br><br>Schnorf: James Williams, a high school thrower I was working with on the lifts, made an international junior squad in weightlifting, and that got me back into coaching the sport.<br><br>BFS: Did your physical education classes at college prepare you to coach weightlifting to young athletes?<br><br>Schnorf: At that time there was a reluctance to advocate weight training for kids, certainly prepubescent kids. In fact, I remember asking my instructors if it was safe and I can t recall anyone I ever had contact with who was a proponent of early training.<br> <br>BFS: Do you know of any top lifters who experienced growth plate injuries from the sport?<br><br>Schnorf: In my experience I can t think of any who have been diagnosed with such an injury, and I would say that I ve certainly started more kids at an earlier age than all but a handful of coaches in this country. I ve known plenty of kids who developed serious injuries from playing baseball and other sports, but I ve had very, very few even moderate injuries in weightlifting.<br><br>BFS: Many medical experts will say that while it may be fine for kids to lift heavy weights, they must avod lifting weights overhead because it can easily damage the shoulder at that ag. What is your opinion?<br><br>Schnorf: Medical and cientific theory often conflict with practical experince. A lot of such theoris have been proven wrong, such as women who are pregnant shouldn t exercise or that women athletes can t tolerate running long distances. If you remember, 60 or 70 years ago experts said that a curve ball didn t curve, that it was an optical illusion. As for stress on the shoulders, certainly anyone who participates in gymnastics at a young age is putting a high level of stress on the shoulder joints and they seem to do fin.<br> <br>BFS: Seldom do your athletes perform any pressing exercises. Isn t shoulder strength important in jerking weights overhead?<br><br>Schnorf: During the time I worked with Curt and Stewart we never did any pressing. Stewart could never bench press 200 pounds, and Amy Miller has jerked 237 pounds overhead but can t do a military press with 75 pounds. Amy has one of the best jerks I ve seen, male or female, and certainly the best jerk of anyone I ve coached. I am of the belief that the jerk is a speed and technique lift, so with my athletes I emphasize speed, speed and more speed.<br>BFS: What effect does the starting age have on speed and starting strength?<br><br>Schnorf: The sooner you can establish the proper motor patterns in lifting the better. The toughest athletes to teach are the kids who are maybe 16 to 18 and have done a lot of bodybuilding exercises it gets very frustrating for them. I think that especially for a kid who s pretty bright and has an appropriate attention span, the younger you can get them started the better.<br><br>BFS: You were one of the first coaches to train athletes twice a day. Did you encounter criticism from other weightlifting coaches for training that frequently?<br><br>Schnorf: Certainly. The accepted practic