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Greenleaf Whittier<br><br>or<br><br> For all the happy words we speak or write The happiest are these:<br> I won the fight! --David Schwartz<br>TOP OFFENSES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN 1950<br>Running in the hallway, Chewing gum, Wearing improper clothing (which included leaving a shirttail out), Making noise, Not putting paper in trash<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>TOP OFFENSES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN 2000<br>Robbery, Assault, Personal theft and Burglary, Arson and Bombings, Alcohol and Drug abuse, Carrying weapons, Absenteeism, Vandalism, Murder and Extortion.nge when he goes to college next year, Eddie said that he needs to work harder on improving his ability to ride a wrestler.  In Montana, we really don t work on top much - wrestling is much more about takedowns here. Because I haven t worked on my riding time much, I have trouble holding people down, and in college I m going to need to work on this. <br>Although they don t compete in Olympic lifting or powerlifting, Eddie, Daniel and Aaron could certainly excel on the lifting platform. Eddie power cleans 275 pounds, squats 380, benches 340, and deadlifts 485. Daniel power cleans 250, squats 360, benches 310 and deadlifts 445. Aaron power cleans 215, squats 330, benches 250 and deadlifts 420. And remember, Daniel and Aaron are relatively light (wrestling at 160 and 152 pounds, respectively), and are performing these lifts without supportive powerlifting gear such as bench shirts and supersuits.<br>Conrad High School in Conrad, Montana, has earned a reputation for having one of the top wrestling programs in the state. In the last eight years of team competition they have been state champions four times, runner-up once, and third three times. As a result of their success, Conrad s athletes receive invitations to many tournaments, giving them the opportunity to wrestle more athletes from A and AA schools.  As far as our program goes in the state of Montana, I would say that our wrestlers work as hard if not harder at practice and on conditioning than any other school. <br>Another reason Conrad s program has been so successful is that the coaches have adopted a very sensible approach to making weight. Says Llew,  We explain to the kids that it s important to maintain good eating habits because if you don t, at some point if you keep losing weight you will give up muscle and strength. You re better off becoming competitive at a weight that you weigh normally, rather than trying to crash diet to something that is not even close. If you weigh 176 and you want to wrestle 171, that s probably all right because over a season you ll get there. But if you weigh 176 and think you re going to wrestle 152, you re probably making a serious mistake. You won t be competitive when you get to 152. <br>According to Llew, who serves as an assistant coach at Conrad, conditioning is a major factor in wrestling because the action is virtually nonstop.  The condition athletes must be in to play football, relative to the condition they have to be in to successfully wrestle, isn t even close. However, aerobic training is not the answer.  If you re training for a six-minute match, you want something that will train you eight or nine minutes really hard because you re trying to prepare for a very short duration, high burst