JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================QK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?&ASQVdT, I2V$.@ڽ2I#SWKR0Sk|ɨ'ɷ?g]yNxڒx~me]ܻ2qږ*1MBX⨭--vH!}=kE͉[$2N1Q̔Jo$~Z]ҭgIEUJP|?peЏ/~Bxa:CY!<1 nזAh[;H9D+=qj)mQ-,7FN6:W477sYU8kkzW=7Y7Fjw]F鸥.+ZxTۙ 9J|-8uxQ)"3#kxvޮ bx+LԮ{6+"8<}M=^沪ʶ==jͤ3"+fY`T^_hU f#Lt@wyɓ1X/P<9|T<t7 tnc}n InxۭMM-uv+I24r,uXMO*$TċYu8`VmNHM%"au-B#X<͜vopM !+gqɷ]8+SZf6jc,Gs2WVN9:^R5X5eT% +:IB ns5o_SE ShDj(E ()҇(`tRAEe amount of force it takes to bend the bar past the point where it will not return to its original position. Unfortunately, this is not something that can be seen so you have to rely on the integrity of the supplier. <br>Bar manufacturers come and go. It is a very difficult business to succeed in. You should try to stick with companies you trust when buying bars and not get sucked in by tricky phrases. Also, as you will see in the following breakdown of different bars, there are general price ranges that correspond to how strong a bar is. If you see a bar that costs only $80 and the manufacturer claims a 135,000 PSI yield strength, then it is probably safe to conclude that the strength of their bar is being exaggerated. Don t get stuck with a sub-par bar from a company hat the team still works out in.<br>John Swett had some successes in its football past, winning Superior California Athletic League titles in 1976,  88,  89,  91 and  96. Angell s first year also marked the school