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It s funny, because I was up at a track meet in Las Vegas this fall and I met a college coach from Delaware. When we got to talking about the numbers that I threw on Sunday, he said I would have dominated his conferene. I thought,  A 46-year-old man would have won his conference  that s amazing.  <br>Dan s athletic accomplishments and , he maintains an extremely close relationship with his father, John Smith. In fact, Smith lives right around the corner from Adelphia Coliseum.<br>The two lift weights together and have been known to consume mass quantities of pizza. And, yes, they also have cleaning sessions.<br> They re almost like brothers when you see them together, Bridgett said.<br>Most of Henderson s family members, as well as his closest friends and many of his teammates, know him simply as  Joe. <br>It s a name his grandmother gave him when he was just a baby; sort of a tribute to her husband -- Henderson s grandfather and Bridgett s father.<br>The late Joe Lee Henderson was a blues singer and used to sing with the likes of B.B. King. But he died suddenly at 27 after suffering a heart attack while getting ready for a show at Municipal Auditorium.<br>Henderson never knew his grandfather, but he has come to know him through his music and proudly carries his name. Henderson took all of Joe Lee s records with him to Knoxville.<br> John knows all of his songs by heart and sings them all the time, Bridgett said.<br>Henderson has become one of the most popular Vols among the fans. Following last Saturday s win over Kentucky, he was besieged by autograph seekers when he emerged from the locker room.<br>He could have ducked out the back way, but didn t. Instead, he signed until everyone was gone.<br> He had to be there for 45 minutes because I was waiting on him, Fitzgerald said.  It was cold, too, and he didn t have on a coat, hat, nothing. But he stood there and signed every last one. <br>It s a side Henderson doesn t show on the field, where he s vocal, intense and demanding of his teammates.<br>And most of all, he wreaks havoc on opposing quarterbacks. 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